CITY OF VAUGHANCOMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (2)AGENDAThis is an Electronic Meeting. The Council Chamber will not be open to the public. Public comments can be submitted by email to To make a verbal presentation, please send a completed Request to Speak Form to or call Access Vaughan at 905-832-2281 by 12:00 noon on the last business day before the meeting.Wednesday, May 12, 2021 1:00 P.m. - 3:00 P.m.Council Chamber2nd Floor, Vaughan City Hall2141 Major Mackenzie DriveVaughan, Ontario1.CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA 2.DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST 3.COMMUNICATIONS 1.0512-21 CW (2) Communications.pdfSee attached.4.CEREMONIAL PRESENTATIONS 5.PRESENTATIONS 6.DETERMINATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION INCLUDING MEMBERS RESOLUTION(S) Corporate Services and Finance1.BLACK CREEK FINANCIAL STRATEGY AND VMC WEST INTERCHANGE SANITARY SEWER PUBLIC STATUTORY MEETING 1.Black Creek Financial Strategy and VMC West Interchange Sanitary Sewer ASDC Public Statutory Meeting.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Draft Developent Charges Background Study for the Edgeley Pond and Park and Black Creek Channel Works.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Draft Black Creek Financial Strategy ASDC By-law.pdf4.Attachment 3 - Development Charges Background Study for the VMC West Interchange Sanitary Sewer Service Area.pdf5.Attachment 4 - Draft VMC West Interchange Sanitary Sewer Service Area By-law.pdf6.CW2 Communication C20.pdf7.CW2 Communication C96.pdf8.CW2 Communication C102.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services, City Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer with respect to the above.2.2020 YEAR END FISCAL HEALTH REPORT 1.2020 YEAR END FISCAL HEALTH REPORT.pdf2.Attachment 1 - City Operating - 2020 Financial Summary.pdf3.Attachment 2 - City Operating - Portfolio Summary.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services, City Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer with respect to the above.3.2021 PROPERTY TAX SALE REGISTRATION – ALL WARDS 1.2021 PROPERTY TAX SALE REGISTRATION - ALL WARDS.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services, City Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer with respect to the above.Planning and Growth Management4.VELMAR CENTRE PROPERTY LIMITED OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT FILE OP.19.003 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT FILE Z.19.008 SITE DEVELOPMENT FILE DA.19.042 4101 RUTHERFORD ROAD VICINTY OF RUTHERFORD ROAD AND VELMAR DRIVE 1.VELMAR CENTRE PROPERTY LIMITED - OP.19.003, Z.19.008 and DA.19.042.pdf2.ATTACHMENT 1 - OP.19.003, Z.19008, DA.19.042 - Conditions of Approval.pdf3.ATTACHMENT 2 - OP.19.003, Z.19008, DA.19.042 - Context and Location Map.pdf4.ATTACHMENT 3 - OP.19.003, Z.19008, DA.19.042 - Site Plan and Proposed Zoning.pdf5.ATTACHMENT 4 - OP.19.003, Z.19008, DA.19.042 - Landscape Plan.pdf6.ATTACHMENT 5 - OP.19.003, Z.19008, DA.19.042 - North and East Building Elevations.pdf7.ATTACHMENT 6 - OP.19.003, Z.19008, DA.19.042 - South and West Building Elevations.pdf8.ATTACHMENT 7 - OP.19.003, Z.19008, DA.19.042 - Perspective Rendering.pdf9.ATTACHMENT 8 - OP.19.003, Z.19008, DA.19.042 - September 17, 2019 Public Meeting - Proposed Site Plan.pdf10.ATTACHMENT 9 - OP.19.003, Z.19008, DA.19.042 - September 17, 2019 Public Meeting - North and East Elevations.pdf11.ATTACHMENT 10 - OP.19.003, Z.19008, DA.19.042 - September 17, 2019 Public Meeting - West and South Building Elevations.pdf12.CW2 Communication C1.pdf13.CW2 Communication C2.pdf14.CW2 Communication C3.pdf15.CW2 Communication C4.pdf16.CW2 Communication C5.pdf17.CW2 Communication C6.pdf18.CW2 Communication C7.pdf19.CW2 Communication C8.pdf20.CW2 Communication C9.pdf21.CW2 Communication C10.pdf22.CW2 Communication C11.pdf23.CW2 Communication C12.pdf24.CW2 Communication C13.pdf25.CW2 Communication C14.pdf26.CW2 Communication C15.pdf27.CW2 Communication C16.pdf28.CW2 Communication C17.pdf29.CW2 Communication C18.pdf30.CW2 Communication C21.pdf31.CW2 Communication C22.pdf32.CW2 Communication C23.pdf33.CW2 Communication C24.pdf34.CW2 Communication C25.pdf35.CW2 Communication C26.pdf36.CW2 Communication C27.pdf37.CW2 Communication C28.pdf38.CW2 Communication C29.pdf39.CW2 Communication C30.pdf40.CW2 Communication C31.pdf41.CW2 Communication C32.pdf42.CW2 Communication C33.pdf43.CW2 Communication C34.pdf44.CW2 Communication C35.pdf45.CW2 Communication C36.pdf46.CW2 Communication C37.pdf47.CW2 Communication C38.pdf48.CW2 Communication C39.pdf49.CW2 Communication C40.pdf50.CW2 Communication C41.pdf51.CW2 Communication C42.pdf52.CW2 Communication C43.pdf53.CW2 Communication C44.pdf54.CW2 Communication C45.pdf55.CW2 Communication C46.pdf56.CW2 Communication C47.pdf57.CW2 Communication C48.pdf58.CW2 Communication C49.pdf59.CW2 Communication C50.pdf60.CW2 Communication C51.pdf61.CW2 Communication C52.pdf62.CW2 Communication C53.pdf63.CW2 Communication C54.pdf64.CW2 Communication C55.pdf65.CW2 Communication C56.pdf66.CW2 Communication C88.pdf67.CW2 Communication C89.pdf68.CW2 Communication C90.pdf69.CW2 Communication C91.pdf70.CW2 Communication C92.pdf71.CW2 Communication C93.pdf72.CW2 Communication C94.pdf73.CW2 Communication C95.pdf74.CW2 Communication 101.pdfReport of the City Manager with respect to the above.5.919819 ONTARIO LTD. AND 1891445 ONTARIO LTD. OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT FILE OP.18.008 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT FILE Z.18.013 5217 AND 5225 HIGHWAY 7 AND 26 AND 32 HAWMAN AVENUE VICINITY OF HIGHWAY 7 AND KIPLING AVENUE 1.1891445 AND 919819 ONTARIO LTD OP.18.008 and Z.18.013.pdf2.Attachment 1 - OP.18.008, Z.18.013 - Context and Location Map.pdf3.Attachment 2 - OP.18.008, Z.18.013 - Conceptual Site Plan and Proposed Zoning.pdf4.Attachment 3 - OP.18.008, Z.18.013 - Conceptual Landscape Plan.pdf5.Attachment 4 - OP.18.008, Z.18.013 - Conceptual Building Elevations - North and South.pdf6.Attachment 5 - OP.18.008, Z.18.013 - Conceptual Building Elevations - East and West.pdf7.Attachment 6 - OP.18.008, Z.18.013 - Existing, Approved and Planned Developments along Highway 7 Corridor.pdf8.CW2 Communication C57.pdf9.CW2 Communication C58.pdf10.CW2 Communication C59.pdf11.CW2 Communication C60.pdf12.CW2 Communication C61.pdf13.CW2 Communication C62.pdf14.CW2 Communication C63.pdf15.CW2 Communication C64.pdf16.CW2 Communication C65.pdf17.CW2 Communication C66.pdf18.CW2 Communication C67.pdf19.CW2 Communication C68.pdf20.CW2 Communication C69.pdf21.CW2 Communication C70.pdf22.CW2 Communication C71.pdf23.CW2 Communication C72.pdf24.CW2 Communication C73.pdf25.CW2 Communication C74.pdf26.CW2 Communication C75.pdf27.CW2 Communication C76.pdf28.CW2 Communication C77.pdf29.CW2 Communication C78.pdf30.CW2 Communication C79.pdf31.CW2 Communication C80.pdf32.CW2 Communication C81.pdf33.CW2 Communication C82.pdf34.CW2 Communication C83.pdf35.CW2 Communication C84.pdf36.CW2 Communication C85.pdf37.CW2 Communication C86.pdf38.CW2 Communication C87.pdf39.CW2 Communication C99.pdf40.CW2 Communication C100.pdfReport of the City Manager with respect to the above.6.CLIMATEWISE BUILDING CHALLENGE 1.ClimateWise Building Challenge.pdfReport of the City Manager with respect to the above.7.SOVEREIGNTY GARDEN PILOT PROGRAM UPDATE FILE 22.37 1.Sovereignty Garden Pilot Program Update.pdfReport of the City Manager with respect to the above.8.YORK REGION PRESENTATION ON PROPOSED 2051 FORECAST AND LAND NEEDS ASSESSMENT 1.YORK REGION PRESENTATION ON PROPOSED 2051 FORECAST AND LAND NEEDS ASSESSMENT.pdf2.ATT 1 Proposed 2051 Forecast and Land Needs Assessment Report.pdf3.CW2 Communication C97.pdf4.CW2 Communication C103.pdfReport of the City Manager with respect to the above.Public Works9.PROCLAMATION OF NATIONAL PUBLIC WORKS WEEK 2021 1.Proclamation of National Public Works Week 2021.pdf2.Attachment 1 - NPWW Poster.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Public Works with respect to the above.Office of the City Manager10.TEMPORARY PUBLIC ART MURAL AT THE VAUGHAN METROPOLITAN CENTRE 1.TEMPORARY PUBLIC ART MURAL AT THE VAUGHAN METROPOLITAN CENTRE.pdf2.ATTACHMENT 1 - CONTEXT AND LOCATION MAP.pdf3.ATTACHMENT 2 - PROPOSED SITE PLAN.pdf4.ATTACHMENT 3 - PROPOSED BUILDING ELEVATIONS.pdf5.CW2 Communication C98.pdfReport of the City Manager with respect to the above.Administrative Services and Legal 11.APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO THE TRANSPORTATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE TASK FORCE AND THE VAUGHAN PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD 1.Recruitment - Transportation and Infrastructure Task Force and Vaughan Public Library Board.pdf2.CW2 Communication C19.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services and City Solicitor with respect to the above.12.ACCESSIBILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE – RECRUITMENT OF ONE (1) CITIZEN MEMBER 1.ACCESSIBILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE - RECRUITMENT OF ONE CITIZEN MEMBER.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services and City Solicitor with respect to the above.13.PROCLAMATION REQUESTS – BUILDING SAFETY MONTH AND WORLD SICKLE CELL DAY 1.PROCLAMATION REQUESTS - BUILDING SAFETY MONTH AND WORLD SICKLE CELL DAY.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Building Safety Month.pdf3.Attachment 2 - WSCD.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services and City Solicitor with respect to the above.Referred/Transmittal Reports14.RENOVATION OF EXISTING HERITAGE HOUSE, AND REAR ADDITION AT 7714 YONGE STREET, THORNHILL HERITAGE CONSERVATION DISTRICT (TRANSMITTAL REPORT) 1.Transmittal Report from Heritage Vaughan - 7714 Yonge Street.pdfReport forwarded from the Heritage Vaughan Committee with respect to the above.15.DE-LISTING FOR 11110 JANE STREET(TRANSMITTAL REPORT) 1.Transmittal Report from Heritage Vaughan - 11110 Jane St.pdfReport forwarded from the Heritage Vaughan Committee with respect to the above.7.ADOPTION OF ITEMS NOT REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION 8.CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION 9.CONSIDERATION OF STATUTORY/AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS 1.Effective Governance and Oversight Task Force meeting of April 14, 2021 (Report No. 4) 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - Governance_Apr14_2021 - English.pdf2.Diversity and Inclusion Task Force meeting of April 15, 2021 (Report No. 4) 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - Diversity and Inclusion Task Force_Apr15_2021 - English.pdf3.Heritage Vaughan Committee meeting of April 21, 2021 (Report No. 4) 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - Heritage Vaughan Committee_Apr21_2021 - English.pdf4.Smart City Advisory Task Force meeting of April 21, 2021 (Report No. 2) 5.Older Adult Task Force meeting of April 26, 2021 (Report No. 4) 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - OATF_Apr26_2021 - English.pdf6.Audit Committee meeting of April 27, 2021 (Report No. 2) 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - Audit Committee_Apr27_2021 - English.pdf7.Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting of April 27, 2021 (Report No. 2) 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - Accessibility Advisory Committee_Apr27_2021 - English.pdf10.STAFF COMMUNICATIONS 1.0512-21 CW (2) - Staff Communications.pdfSee attached.11.NEW BUSINESS 12.CLOSED SESSION RESOLUTION FOR COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (CLOSED) 13.ADJOURNMENT ALL APPENDICES ARE AVAILABLE FROM THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICEPLEASE NOTE THAT THIS MEETING WILL BE AUDIO RECORDEDAND VIDEO BROADCAST (Agendas, Minutes and Live Council Broadcast)No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.Post-Meeting Minutes - Diversity and Inclusion Task Force_Apr15_2021 - English.pdf1.Post-Meeting Minutes - Heritage Vaughan Committee_Apr21_2021 - English.pdf1.Post-Meeting Minutes - OATF_Apr26_2021 - English.pdf1.Post-Meeting Minutes - Audit Committee_Apr27_2021 - English.pdf1.Post-Meeting Minutes - Governance_Apr14_2021 - English.pdf1.2021 PROPERTY TAX SALE REGISTRATION - ALL WARDS.pdf1.Proclamation of National Public Works Week 2021.pdf2.Attachment 1 - NPWW Poster.pdf1.Recruitment - Transportation and Infrastructure Task Force and Vaughan Public Library Board.pdf2.CW2 Communication C19.pdf1.Sovereignty Garden Pilot Program Update.pdf1.TEMPORARY PUBLIC ART MURAL AT THE VAUGHAN METROPOLITAN CENTRE.pdf2.ATTACHMENT 1 - CONTEXT AND LOCATION MAP.pdf3.ATTACHMENT 2 - PROPOSED SITE PLAN.pdf4.ATTACHMENT 3 - PROPOSED BUILDING ELEVATIONS.pdf5.CW2 Communication C98.pdf1.Transmittal Report from Heritage Vaughan - 11110 Jane St.pdf1.Transmittal Report from Heritage Vaughan - 7714 Yonge Street.pdf1.ClimateWise Building Challenge.pdf1.Post-Meeting Minutes - Accessibility Advisory Committee_Apr27_2021 - English.pdf1.Black Creek Financial Strategy and VMC West Interchange Sanitary Sewer ASDC Public Statutory Meeting.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Draft Developent Charges Background Study for the Edgeley Pond and Park and Black Creek Channel Works.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Draft Black Creek Financial Strategy ASDC By-law.pdf4.Attachment 3 - Development Charges Background Study for the VMC West Interchange Sanitary Sewer Service Area.pdf5.Attachment 4 - Draft VMC West Interchange Sanitary Sewer Service Area By-law.pdf6.CW2 Communication C20.pdf7.CW2 Communication C96.pdf8.CW2 Communication C102.pdf1.1891445 AND 919819 ONTARIO LTD OP.18.008 and Z.18.013.pdf2.Attachment 1 - OP.18.008, Z.18.013 - Context and Location Map.pdf3.Attachment 2 - OP.18.008, Z.18.013 - Conceptual Site Plan and Proposed Zoning.pdf4.Attachment 3 - OP.18.008, Z.18.013 - Conceptual Landscape Plan.pdf5.Attachment 4 - OP.18.008, Z.18.013 - Conceptual Building Elevations - North and South.pdf6.Attachment 5 - OP.18.008, Z.18.013 - Conceptual Building Elevations - East and West.pdf7.Attachment 6 - OP.18.008, Z.18.013 - Existing, Approved and Planned Developments along Highway 7 Corridor.pdf8.CW2 Communication C57.pdf9.CW2 Communication C58.pdf10.CW2 Communication C59.pdf11.CW2 Communication C60.pdf12.CW2 Communication C61.pdf13.CW2 Communication C62.pdf14.CW2 Communication C63.pdf15.CW2 Communication C64.pdf16.CW2 Communication C65.pdf17.CW2 Communication C66.pdf18.CW2 Communication C67.pdf19.CW2 Communication C68.pdf20.CW2 Communication C69.pdf21.CW2 Communication C70.pdf22.CW2 Communication C71.pdf23.CW2 Communication C72.pdf24.CW2 Communication C73.pdf25.CW2 Communication C74.pdf26.CW2 Communication C75.pdf27.CW2 Communication C76.pdf28.CW2 Communication C77.pdf29.CW2 Communication C78.pdf30.CW2 Communication C79.pdf31.CW2 Communication C80.pdf32.CW2 Communication C81.pdf33.CW2 Communication C82.pdf34.CW2 Communication C83.pdf35.CW2 Communication C84.pdf36.CW2 Communication C85.pdf37.CW2 Communication C86.pdf38.CW2 Communication C87.pdf39.CW2 Communication C99.pdf40.CW2 Communication C100.pdf1.2020 YEAR END FISCAL HEALTH REPORT.pdf2.Attachment 1 - City Operating - 2020 Financial Summary.pdf3.Attachment 2 - City Operating - Portfolio Summary.pdf1.ACCESSIBILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE - RECRUITMENT OF ONE CITIZEN MEMBER.pdf1.YORK REGION PRESENTATION ON PROPOSED 2051 FORECAST AND LAND NEEDS ASSESSMENT.pdf2.ATT 1 Proposed 2051 Forecast and Land Needs Assessment Report.pdf3.CW2 Communication C97.pdf4.CW2 Communication C103.pdf1.VELMAR CENTRE PROPERTY LIMITED - OP.19.003, Z.19.008 and DA.19.042.pdf2.ATTACHMENT 1 - OP.19.003, Z.19008, DA.19.042 - Conditions of Approval.pdf3.ATTACHMENT 2 - OP.19.003, Z.19008, DA.19.042 - Context and Location Map.pdf4.ATTACHMENT 3 - OP.19.003, Z.19008, DA.19.042 - Site Plan and Proposed Zoning.pdf5.ATTACHMENT 4 - OP.19.003, Z.19008, DA.19.042 - Landscape Plan.pdf6.ATTACHMENT 5 - OP.19.003, Z.19008, DA.19.042 - North and East Building Elevations.pdf7.ATTACHMENT 6 - OP.19.003, Z.19008, DA.19.042 - South and West Building Elevations.pdf8.ATTACHMENT 7 - OP.19.003, Z.19008, DA.19.042 - Perspective Rendering.pdf9.ATTACHMENT 8 - OP.19.003, Z.19008, DA.19.042 - September 17, 2019 Public Meeting - Proposed Site Plan.pdf10.ATTACHMENT 9 - OP.19.003, Z.19008, DA.19.042 - September 17, 2019 Public Meeting - North and East Elevations.pdf11.ATTACHMENT 10 - OP.19.003, Z.19008, DA.19.042 - September 17, 2019 Public Meeting - West and South Building Elevations.pdf12.CW2 Communication C1.pdf13.CW2 Communication C2.pdf14.CW2 Communication C3.pdf15.CW2 Communication C4.pdf16.CW2 Communication C5.pdf17.CW2 Communication C6.pdf18.CW2 Communication C7.pdf19.CW2 Communication C8.pdf20.CW2 Communication C9.pdf21.CW2 Communication C10.pdf22.CW2 Communication C11.pdf23.CW2 Communication C12.pdf24.CW2 Communication C13.pdf25.CW2 Communication C14.pdf26.CW2 Communication C15.pdf27.CW2 Communication C16.pdf28.CW2 Communication C17.pdf29.CW2 Communication C18.pdf30.CW2 Communication C21.pdf31.CW2 Communication C22.pdf32.CW2 Communication C23.pdf33.CW2 Communication C24.pdf34.CW2 Communication C25.pdf35.CW2 Communication C26.pdf36.CW2 Communication C27.pdf37.CW2 Communication C28.pdf38.CW2 Communication C29.pdf39.CW2 Communication C30.pdf40.CW2 Communication C31.pdf41.CW2 Communication C32.pdf42.CW2 Communication C33.pdf43.CW2 Communication C34.pdf44.CW2 Communication C35.pdf45.CW2 Communication C36.pdf46.CW2 Communication C37.pdf47.CW2 Communication C38.pdf48.CW2 Communication C39.pdf49.CW2 Communication C40.pdf50.CW2 Communication C41.pdf51.CW2 Communication C42.pdf52.CW2 Communication C43.pdf53.CW2 Communication C44.pdf54.CW2 Communication C45.pdf55.CW2 Communication C46.pdf56.CW2 Communication C47.pdf57.CW2 Communication C48.pdf58.CW2 Communication C49.pdf59.CW2 Communication C50.pdf60.CW2 Communication C51.pdf61.CW2 Communication C52.pdf62.CW2 Communication C53.pdf63.CW2 Communication C54.pdf64.CW2 Communication C55.pdf65.CW2 Communication C56.pdf66.CW2 Communication C88.pdf67.CW2 Communication C89.pdf68.CW2 Communication C90.pdf69.CW2 Communication C91.pdf70.CW2 Communication C92.pdf71.CW2 Communication C93.pdf72.CW2 Communication C94.pdf73.CW2 Communication C95.pdf74.CW2 Communication 101.pdf1.PROCLAMATION REQUESTS - BUILDING SAFETY MONTH AND WORLD SICKLE CELL DAY.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Building Safety Month.pdf3.Attachment 2 - WSCD.pdf1.0512-21 CW (2) - Staff Communications.pdf1.0512-21 CW (2) Communications.pdf