This is an Electronic Meeting. The Council Chamber will not be open to the public. Public comments can be submitted by email to

Council Chamber
2nd Floor, Vaughan City Hall
2141 Major Mackenzie Drive
Vaughan, Ontario

​Territorial Acknowledgement Statement (prior to the commencement of the meeting)

Note: Addendum items are displayed in italics, and will require unanimous vote of the members present to be added to the agenda.

Minutes of the Council meeting of July 15, 2020 and Special Council meeting of August 18, 2020.

(Delegation By-law 005-2018)

A By-law to assume Municipal Services in The Ravines of Rainbow Creek, 19T-06V15, Registered Plan 65M – 4230.

(Delegation By-law 005-2018)

A By-law to exempt parts of Plan M-89 from the provisions of Part Lot Control. (PLC.20.006, Part of Lot 1, Concession 10, Robert Colagiacomo, Lino Colagiacomo, Joseph Anthony Arrigo and Adam Colagiacomo, located at the northwest corner of Concession Road 10 and Ranch Trail Road, north of King-Vaughan Road, being Lot 1 on Registered Plan M-89, and designated as Parts 1 to 7 inclusive, on Reference Plan 65R-38877 in Part of Lot 1, Concession 10, City of Vaughan.)

(Delegation By-law 005-2018)

A By-law to exempt parts of Plan 65M-4605 from the provisions of Part Lot Control. (PLC.20.007, Part of Lots 28 and 29, Concession 8, Monarch Castlepoint Kipling North Development Ltd., located south of Kirby Road and west of Kipling Avenue, being Lots 1 to 113 inclusive and Blocks 114 to 116 inclusive, on Registered Plan 65M-4605, in Part of Lots 28 and 29, Concession 8, City of Vaughan.)

(Delegation By-law 005-2018)

A By-law to exempt parts of Plan 65M-4670 from the provisions of Part Lot Control. (PLC.20.008, Part of Lot 24, Concession 9, Paradise Homes Kleinburg Inc., located east of Huntington Road, between Nashville Road and Major Mackenzie Drive, specifically Lots 12 to 30 inclusive, and Block 45 on Registered Plan 65M-4670, in Part of Lot 24, Concession 9, City of Vaughan.)

(Item 9, Committee of the Whole, Report No. 40)

A By-law to amend By-law 7-2011 (Procedure By-law) which governs the proceedings of Council and Committees of Council.

(Item 2, Committee of the Whole, Report No. 38)

A By-law to amend City of Vaughan By-law 1-88. (Z.16.028, Part of Lots 4 and 5, Concession 9, 1406979 Ontario Limited, located south of Highway 7, between Huntington Road and Highway 427 and are municipally known as 7551 Huntington Road and 6701 Highway 7, City of Vaughan.)

(Council, December 17, 2019, Item 4, Committee of the Whole, Report No. 39)

A By-law to amend City of Vaughan By-law 1-88 as amended by By-law 237-99. (Z.19.005, Related File DA.19.065, Part of Lot 7, Concession 8, National Capital Financial Inc., located on the west side of Kipling Avenue, south of Woodbridge Avenue, being Part of Lot 7, Concession 8, municipally known as 7938 Kipling Avenue, City of Vaughan.)

(Council, June 29, 2020, Item 6, Committee of the Whole, Report No. 22)

A By-law to amend City of Vaughan By-law 1-88 as amended by By-law 120-2012. (Z.19.015, Related Files 19T-10V004, DA.19.063, Part of Lot 22, Concession 9, Nashville Developments (South) Inc., located on the south east corner of Huntington Road and East’s Corners Boulevard, being Lot 22, Concession 9 and Part of Block 231, Plan 65-4373, City of Vaughan.)

(Council, November 29, 2011, Item 16, Committee of the Whole, Report No. 50)

A By-law to amend City of Vaughan By-law 1-88 as amended by By-law 120-2012, 159-2016, 122-2017 and 142-2019. (Z.20.023, Part of Lots 24 and 25, Concession 9, Nashville Developments (Barons) Inc., located east of Huntington Road, south of Nashville Road, being Blocks 1112 and 1115 to 1131 on Draft Plan 19T-10V004, Blocks 33 to 45 and Lots 31 and 32 on Draft Plan 19T-15V006 and Blocks 215 to 245 on Draft Plan 19T-17V007, in Part of Lots 24 and 25, Concession 9, City of Vaughan.)

(Council, June 12, 2019, Item 6, Committee of the Whole, Report No. 20)

A By-law to amend City of Vaughan By-law 1-88 as amended by By-law 105-2019. (Z.20.007, Related Files OP.18.013, Z.18.020, DA.18.107, Part of Lots 4 and 5, Concession 2, Promenade Limited Partnership, located on the south side of Centre Street Road, west of Bathurst Street, and municipally known as 1 Promenade Circle, being Part of Lots 4 and 5, Concession 2 in the City of Vaughan.)

(LPAT, September 2, 2020, Case No. PL180253)

A By-law to amend City of Vaughan By-law 1-88. (Z.17.037, Related File DA.18.046, Part of Lots 16 and 17, Concession 2, Pala Builder's Inc., located at the southeast corner of Marc Santi Boulevard and Crimson Forest Drive, being Block 214 on Registered Plan 65M-4004.)

(Item 3, Committee of the Whole (Closed Session), Report No. 41)

A By-law to authorize the acquisition of two permanent easements required to facilitate the construction and long-term maintenance of a slope stabilization system on private residential properties at 2 and 6 Cherry Hills Road, adjacent to City owned open space.

(Item 2, Committee of the Whole (Closed Session), Report No. 41)

A By-law to authorize nine (9) temporary working easements, fifteen (15) permanent easements and twenty-eight (28) fee simple land Parcels to The Region of York, required for the Rutherford Road Widening and Reconstruction Project from Jane Street to Bathurst Street (Phase 3, Peter Rupert Avenue to Bathurst Street).

(Item 6, Committee of the Whole, Report No. 40)

A By-law to authorize relief of payment of cash-in-lieu of parkland for the 79-unit affordable rental apartment development at 919 Clarke Ave West, known as the “Lou Fruitman Reena Residence”.


AND VIDEO BROADCAST (Agendas, Minutes and Live Council Broadcast)

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