CITY OF VAUGHANHERITAGE VAUGHAN COMMITTEE AGENDAIf you wish to speak to an item listed on the Agenda, please pre-register by completing a Request to Speak Form online, emailing, or contacting Service Vaughan at 905-832-2281, by 12 noon on the last business day before the meeting.Wednesday, March 13, 2024 7:00 P.m. - 9:00 P.m.Online via Electronic ParticipationVaughan City Hall1.CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA 2.DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST 3.COMMUNICATIONS 4.DETERMINATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION 1.PROPOSED LISTING UNDER SECTION 27, PART IV OF THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT OF 10831 JANE STREET 1.10831Jane.pdf2.Attachment 1 - 10831Jane_Location Map.pdf3.Attachment 2 - 10831Jane_Statement of Cultural Heritage Significance.pdf4.Attachment 3 - 10831Jane_Teston historic Maps.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Growth Management, with respect to the above.2.PROPOSED LISTING UNDER SECTION 27, PART IV OF THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT OF 10841 JANE STREET 1.10841Jane.pdf2.Attachment 1 - 10841Jane_Location Map.pdf3.Attachment 2 - 10841Jane_Statement of Cultural Heritage Significance.pdf4.Attachment 3 - 10841Jane_Teston historic Maps.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Growth Management, with respect to the above.3.PROPOSED LISTING UNDER SECTION 27, PART IV OF THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT OF 10891 JANE STREET 1.10891Jane.pdf2.Attachment 1 - 10891Jane_Location Map.pdf3.Attachment 2 - 10891Jane_Statement of Cultural Heritage Significance.pdf4.Attachment 3 - 10891Jane_Teston historic Maps.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Growth Management, with respect to the above.4.PROPOSED LISTING UNDER SECTION 27, PART IV OF THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT OF 10915-10921 JANE STREET 1.10915-10921Jane.pdf2.Attachment 1 - 10921Jane_Location Map.pdf3.Attachment 2 - 10921Jane_Statement of Cultural Heritage Significance.pdf4.Attachment 3 - 10921Jane_Teston historic Maps.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Growth Management, with respect to the above.5.PROPOSED LISTING UNDER SECTION 27, PART IV OF THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT OF 10945 JANE STREET 1.10945Jane.pdf2.Attachment 1 - 10945Jane_Location Map.pdf3.Attachment 2 - 10945Jane_Statement of Cultural Heritage Significance.pdf4.Attachment 3 - 10945Jane_Teston historic Maps.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Growth Management, with respect to the above.6.PROPOSED LISTING UNDER SECTION 27, PART IV OF THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT OF 10953 JANE STREET 1.10953Jane.pdf2.Attachment 1 - 10953Jane_Location Map.pdf3.Attachment 2 - 10953Jane_Statement of Cultural Heritage Significance.pdf4.Attachment 3 - 10953Jane_Teston historic Maps.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Growth Management, with respect to the above.7.PROPOSED LISTING UNDER SECTION 27, PART IV OF THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT OF 10967 JANE STREET 1.10967Jane.pdf2.Attachment 1 - 10967Jane_Location Map.pdf3.Attachment 2 - 10967Jane_Statement of Cultural Heritage Significance.pdf4.Attachment 3 - 10967Jane_Teston historic Maps.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Growth Management, with respect to the above.5.ADOPTION OF ITEMS NOT REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION 6.CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION 7.NEW BUSINESS 8.ADJOURNMENT No Item SelectedAgenda item details popup This item has no attachments.1.10831Jane.pdf2.Attachment 1 - 10831Jane_Location Map.pdf3.Attachment 2 - 10831Jane_Statement of Cultural Heritage Significance.pdf4.Attachment 3 - 10831Jane_Teston historic Maps.pdf1.10841Jane.pdf2.Attachment 1 - 10841Jane_Location Map.pdf3.Attachment 2 - 10841Jane_Statement of Cultural Heritage Significance.pdf4.Attachment 3 - 10841Jane_Teston historic Maps.pdf1.10891Jane.pdf2.Attachment 1 - 10891Jane_Location Map.pdf3.Attachment 2 - 10891Jane_Statement of Cultural Heritage Significance.pdf4.Attachment 3 - 10891Jane_Teston historic Maps.pdf1.10915-10921Jane.pdf2.Attachment 1 - 10921Jane_Location Map.pdf3.Attachment 2 - 10921Jane_Statement of Cultural Heritage Significance.pdf4.Attachment 3 - 10921Jane_Teston historic Maps.pdf1.10945Jane.pdf2.Attachment 1 - 10945Jane_Location Map.pdf3.Attachment 2 - 10945Jane_Statement of Cultural Heritage Significance.pdf4.Attachment 3 - 10945Jane_Teston historic Maps.pdf1.10953Jane.pdf2.Attachment 1 - 10953Jane_Location Map.pdf3.Attachment 2 - 10953Jane_Statement of Cultural Heritage Significance.pdf4.Attachment 3 - 10953Jane_Teston historic Maps.pdf1.10967Jane.pdf2.Attachment 1 - 10967Jane_Location Map.pdf3.Attachment 2 - 10967Jane_Statement of Cultural Heritage Significance.pdf4.Attachment 3 - 10967Jane_Teston historic Maps.pdf