CITY OF VAUGHANCOMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (1)POST-MEETING CONSOLIDATED AGENDATuesday, January 23, 2024 1:00 P.m. - 3:00 P.m.Council Chamber2nd Floor, Vaughan City Hall2141 Major Mackenzie Dr., Vaughan, ONand Online via Electronic ParticipationTerritorial Acknowledgement Statement (prior to the commencement of the meeting)1.CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA 2.DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST 3.COMMUNICATIONS 1.0123-24 CW (1) Communications.pdfSee attached. 4.CEREMONIAL PRESENTATIONS 5.PRESENTATIONS 1.Nella Figliano Requesting full support for the annual Ride for SickKids.2.Jamie Maynard Status of Historic Wallace House.3.Diane Meaghan Digging up driveway as part of the construction process ongoing in front of her house, damage to front lawn, road blockage, and issues related to construction activities in the area.4.Rose Savage, Weston Downs Ratepayers Association 1.Communication_C1_CW1_0123_24_Redacted.pdfFull transparency on Bill C52 - plane infiltration in Vaughan, master plan created without residents' approval.5.Heidi Last 15-minute cities and the implementation and consequences of the development of these cities.6.DETERMINATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION INCLUDING MEMBERS RESOLUTION(S) Planning and Growth Management1.APPEAL TO SIGN VARIANCE APPLICATION SV23-001 1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_1.pdf2.Communication_C2_CW1_0123_24.pdf3.APPEAL TO SIGN VARIANCE APPLICATION SV23-001.pdf4.ATTACHMENT 1 - Submission Site Plans.pdf5.ATTACHMENT 2 - Sign Variance Application and Rationale.pdf6.ATTACHMENT 3 - Sign Varinance Committee Minutes.pdf7.ATTACHMENT 4 - Notice of Decision.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Growth Management, with respect to the above. 2.NASHVILLE DEVELOPMENTS INC.: ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT FILE Z.22.014, SITE DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION FILE DA.22.025, BLOCK 108, REGISTERED PLAN 65M-4421 - VICINITY OF HUNTINGTON ROAD AND EAST CORNERS BOULEVARD 1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_2.pdf2.Nashville Developments Inc. - Block 108, 65M-4421 - Zoning By-law Amendment Z.22.014 Site Development DA.22.025.pdf3.Attachment 1_Z.22.014 and DA.22.025_Context and Location Map.pdf4.Attachment 2_Z.22.014 and DA.22.025_Site Plan and Proposed Zoning.pdf5.Attachment 3_Z.22.014 and DA.22.025_Landscape Plan.pdf6.Attachment 4_Z.22.014 and DA.22.025_Building Elevations Block 1.pdf7.Attachment 5_Z.22.014 and DA.22.025_Building Elevations Block 2.pdf8.Attachment 6_Z.22.014 and DA.22.025_Building Elevations Block 3.pdf9.Attachment 7_Z.22.014 and DA.22.025_Building Elevations Block 4.pdf10.Attachment 8_Z.22.014 and DA.22.025_Building Elevations Block 5.pdf11.Attachment 9_Z.22.014 and DA.22.025_Building Elevations Block 6.pdf12.Attachment 10_Z.22.014 and DA.22.025_Block Plan - Block 61 West.pdf13.Attachment 11_Z.22.014 and DA.22.025_Zoning By-law 001-2021 Table 1.pdf14.Attachment 12_Z.22.014 and DA.22.025_Conditions of Site Development Application File DA.22.025.pdf15.By-law 011-2024.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Growth Management, with respect to the above.3.1834371 ONTARIO INC.: OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT, ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT AND DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION FILES OP.22.009, Z.22.018 AND 19T-13V006 – 2951-2957 HIGHWAY 7 AND 180 MAPLECRETE ROAD, VICINITY OF HIGHWAY 7 AND JANE STREET 1.1834371 Ontario Inc. - OP.22.009, Z.22.018, 19T-13V006.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Context and Location Map.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Polling Location Map.pdf4.Attachment 3 - Proposed OPA Schedule F - Land Use Precincts.pdf5.Attachment 4 - Proposed OPA Schedule C - Street Network .pdf6.Attachment 5 - Proposed OPA Schedule D - Major Parks and Open Spaces.pdf7.Attachment 6 - Draft Plan of Subdivision.pdf8.Attachment 7 - Site Plan and Proposed Zoning.pdf9.Attachment 8a -Building Elevations - East and North.pdf10.Attachment 8b - Building Elevations - West and South.pdf11.Attachment 9 - Perspective Rendering.pdf12.Attachment 10 – Zoning By-law 1-88 Table 1.pdf13.Attachment 11-Zoning By-law 001-2021 Table 2.pdf14.Attachment 12 - Conditions of Draft Plan of Subdivision Approval.pdf15.Communication_C3_CW1_0123_24.pdf16.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_3.pdf17.By-law 008-2024.pdf18.By-law 009-2024.pdf19.By-law 010-2024.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Growth Management, with respect to the above.4.PROPOSED STREET NAME: DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 19T-20V008, BLOCK 18 PROPERTIES INC., WARD 4 - VICINITY OF DUFFERIN STREET AND RUTHERFORD ROAD 1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_4.pdf2.Proposed Street Name Report 19T-20V008.pdf3.Attachment1_19T-20V008_LocationMap.pdf4.Attachment2_19T-20V008_PropStreetName.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Growth Management, with respect to the above. 5.AMENDMENT OF BY-LAW 394-2002 1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_5.pdf2.bylaw394-2002_amendment.pdf3.Attachment 1 - By-law 394-2002.pdf4.By-law 021-2024.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Growth Management, with respect to the above. Financial Services 6.INTERIM PROPERTY TAX LEVY FOR 2024 – ALL WARDS 1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_6.pdf2.INTERIM PROPERTY TAX LEVY FOR 2024 – ALL WARDS.pdf3.By-law 020-2024.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services, City Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer, with respect to the above. 7.2024 TEMPORARY BORROWING 1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_7.pdf2.2024 TEMPORARY BORROWING.pdf3.2024 TEMPORARY BORROWING BY-LAW.pdf4.By-law 002-2024.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services, City Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer, with respect to the above. 8.2024 KLEINBURG BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA (KBIA) – BUDGET AND LEVY – WARD 1 1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_8.pdf2.2024 KLEINBURG BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA (KBIA) – BUDGET AND LEVY – WARD 1.pdf3.KBIA BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2024 TERM.pdf4.KBIA 2024 BUDGET.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services, City Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer, with respect to the above. Office of the City Manager9.HEALTH INNOVATION ECOSYSTEM DEVELOPMENT IN CHICAGO 1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_9.pdf2.Health Innovation Ecosystem Development Activities in Chicago.pdfReport of the City Manager with respect to the above. 10.2023 GERMANY AND ITALY MISSION FINAL REPORT AND 2024 ECONOMIC RELATIONS LOOK AHEAD 1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_10.pdf2.2023 Germany and Italy Mission Final Report and 2024 Economic Relations.pdf3.Attachment 1 - Daily Memos.pdfReport of the City Manager with respect to the above. 11.ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL PROCLAMATIONS – 2024-2026 1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_11.pdf2.ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL PROCLAMATIONS - 2024-26.pdfReport of the City Manager with respect to the above. Administrative and Legal Services 12.ROAD CLOSURE - PART OF INTERCHANGE WAY AND PART OF DOUGHTON ROAD – VAUGHAN METROPOLITAN CENTRE 1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_12.pdf2.ROAD CLOSURE - PART OF INTERCHANGE WAY AND PART OF DOUGHTON ROAD - VMC.pdf3.ATTACHMENT 1 (amended)- Deposited R-Plan 65R-40282.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Legal and Administrative Services & City Solicitor, with respect to the above. 13.PROCLAMATION REQUEST - RARE DISEASE DAY 1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_13.pdf2.PROCLAMATION REQUEST RARE DISEASE DAY.pdf3.ATTACHMENT 1 - RARE DISEASE DAY.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Legal and Administrative Services & City Solicitor, with respect to the above. 14.PROCLAMATION REQUEST - NATIONAL 211 DAY 1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_14.pdf2.PROCLAMATION REQUEST NATIONAL 211 DAY.pdf3.ATTACHMENT 1 - NATIONAL 211 DAY.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Legal and Administrative Services & City Solicitor, with respect to the above. Transmittals15.PROPOSED DESIGNATION UNDER PART IV OF THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT OF 1050 RUTHERFORD ROAD, WARD 4 – VICINITY NORTH SIDE OF RUTHERFORD ROAD AND BETWEEN DUFFERIN STREET AND BATHURST STREET (TRANSMITTAL REPORT) 1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_15.pdf2.Communication_C1_CL_0130_24.pdf3.Communication_C4_CW1_0123_24.pdf4.TRANSMITTAL REPORT FROM HERITAGE VAUGHAN COMMITTEE - 1050 RUTHERFORD ROAD.pdfReport forwarded from the Heritage Vaughan Committee with respect to the above.16.PROPOSED DESIGNATION UNDER PART IV OF THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT OF 1078 MAJOR MACKENZIE DRIVE WEST – WARD 4, VICINITY NORTH SIDE OF MAJOR MACKENZIE DRIVE WEST AND BETWEEN DUFFERIN STREET AND BATHURST STREET (TRANSMITTAL REPORT) 1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_16.pdf2.Communication_C1_CL_0130_24(1).pdf3.Communication_C4_CW1_0123_24(1).pdf4.TRANSMITTAL REPORT FROM HV COMMITTEE - 1078 MAJOR MACKENZIE DRIVE WEST.pdfReport forwarded from the Heritage Vaughan Committee with respect to the above. 17.PROPOSED DESIGNATION UNDER PART IV OF THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT OF 11511 WESTON ROAD – WARD 1, SOUTH OF KIRBY ROAD AND WEST OF HWY 400 (TRANSMITTAL REPORT) 1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_17.pdf2.Communication_C4_CW1_0123_24(2).pdf3.TRANSMITTAL REPORT FROM HV COMMITTEE - 11511 WESTON ROAD.pdfReport forwarded from the Heritage Vaughan Committee with respect to the above. 18.PROPOSED DESIGNATION UNDER PART IV OF THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT OF 11151 WESTON ROAD – WARD 1, SOUTH OF KIRBY ROAD AND WEST OF HWY 400 (TRANSMITTAL REPORT) 1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_18.pdf2.Communication_C1_CL_0130_24(2).pdf3.Communication_C4_CW1_0123_24(3).pdf4.TRANSMITTAL REPORT FROM HV COMMITTEE - 11151 WESTON ROAD.pdfReport forwarded from the Heritage Vaughan Committee with respect to the above.19.DEMOLITION AND NEW CONSTRUCTION – SINGLE DETACHED DWELLING WITH ATTACHED GARAGE LOCATED AT 8 LESTER B. PEARSON, KLEINBURG-NASHVILLE HERITAGE CONSERVATION DISTRICT (TRANSMITTAL REPORT) 1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_19.pdf2.Communication_C4_CW1_0123_24(4).pdf3.TRANSMITTAL REPORT FROM HV COMMITTEE - 8 LESTER B. PEARSON.pdfReport forwarded from the Heritage Vaughan Committee with respect to the above.Addendum Listing20.SUPPORTING THE YORK REGION ALLIANCE OF WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP 1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_20.pdf2.MR - DMLJ - York Region Alliance of Women in Leadership Jan 23 2024_.pdfResolution of Deputy Mayor, Local and Regional Councillor Jackson, with respect to the above.Addendum Listing 221.INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS ADVOCACY 1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_21.pdf2.RC Ferri - MR_IGRAdvocacy - 1-23-2024.pdfResolution of Regional Councillor Ferri with respect to the above.Added at Meeting22.PRESENTATION – NELLA FIGLIANO 1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_22.pdf23.PRESENTATION – JAMIE MAYNARD 1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_23.pdf24.PRESENTATION – DIANE MEAGHAN 1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_24.pdf25.PRESENTATION – ROSE SAVAGE 1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_25.pdf26.PRESENTATION – HEIDI LAST 1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_26.pdf27.OTHER MATTERS CONSIDERED BY THE COMMITTEE 1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_27.pdf1.CONSIDERATION OF STATUTORY/AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS 1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_27.1.pdf2.STAFF COMMUNICATION 1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_27.2.pdf28.COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (CLOSED SESSION) RESOLUTION JANUARY 23, 2024 1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_28.pdf7.ADOPTION OF ITEMS NOT REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION 8.CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION 9.CONSIDERATION OF STATUTORY/AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS 1.Vaughan Healthcare Centre Precinct Advisory Committee meeting of November 16, 2023 (Report No. 2) 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - Vaughan Healthcare Centre Precinct Advisory Committee_Nov16_2023 - English.pdf2.Heritage Vaughan Committee meeting of November 22, 2023 (Report No. 9) 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - Heritage Vaughan Committee_Nov22_2023 - English.pdf3.Audit Committee meeting of November 27, 2023 (Report No. 5) 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - Audit Committee_Nov27_2023 - English.pdf4.Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting of November 27, 2023 (Report No. 6) 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - Accessibility Advisory Committee_Nov27_2023 - English.pdf5.Anti-Hate, Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee meeting of December 4, 2023 (Report No. 3) 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - Anti-Hate, Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee_Dec04_2023 - English.pdf6.Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting of December 11, 2023 (Report No. 7) 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - Accessibility Advisory Committee_Dec11_2023 - English.pdf10.STAFF COMMUNICATIONS 1.0123-24 CW (1) Staff Communication.pdfSee attached.11.NEW BUSINESS 12.CLOSED SESSION RESOLUTION FOR THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (CLOSED) 13.ADJOURNMENT ALL APPENDICES ARE AVAILABLE FROM THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICEPLEASE NOTE THAT THIS MEETING WILL BE AUDIO RECORDEDAND VIDEO BROADCAST (Agendas, Minutes and Live Council Broadcast)No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.Post-Meeting Minutes - Audit Committee_Nov27_2023 - English.pdf1.Post-Meeting Minutes - Heritage Vaughan Committee_Nov22_2023 - English.pdf1.Post-Meeting Minutes - Vaughan Healthcare Centre Precinct Advisory Committee_Nov16_2023 - English.pdf1.Post-Meeting Minutes - Anti-Hate, Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee_Dec04_2023 - English.pdf1.Post-Meeting Minutes - Accessibility Advisory Committee_Nov27_2023 - English.pdf1.Post-Meeting Minutes - Accessibility Advisory Committee_Dec11_2023 - English.pdf1.1834371 Ontario Inc. - OP.22.009, Z.22.018, 19T-13V006.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Context and Location Map.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Polling Location Map.pdf4.Attachment 3 - Proposed OPA Schedule F - Land Use Precincts.pdf5.Attachment 4 - Proposed OPA Schedule C - Street Network .pdf6.Attachment 5 - Proposed OPA Schedule D - Major Parks and Open Spaces.pdf7.Attachment 6 - Draft Plan of Subdivision.pdf8.Attachment 7 - Site Plan and Proposed Zoning.pdf9.Attachment 8a -Building Elevations - East and North.pdf10.Attachment 8b - Building Elevations - West and South.pdf11.Attachment 9 - Perspective Rendering.pdf12.Attachment 10 – Zoning By-law 1-88 Table 1.pdf13.Attachment 11-Zoning By-law 001-2021 Table 2.pdf14.Attachment 12 - Conditions of Draft Plan of Subdivision Approval.pdf15.Communication_C3_CW1_0123_24.pdf16.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_3.pdf17.By-law 008-2024.pdf18.By-law 009-2024.pdf19.By-law 010-2024.pdf1.0123-24 CW (1) Staff Communication.pdf1.0123-24 CW (1) Communications.pdf1.Communication_C1_CW1_0123_24_Redacted.pdf1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_1.pdf2.Communication_C2_CW1_0123_24.pdf3.APPEAL TO SIGN VARIANCE APPLICATION SV23-001.pdf4.ATTACHMENT 1 - Submission Site Plans.pdf5.ATTACHMENT 2 - Sign Variance Application and Rationale.pdf6.ATTACHMENT 3 - Sign Varinance Committee Minutes.pdf7.ATTACHMENT 4 - Notice of Decision.pdf1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_2.pdf2.Nashville Developments Inc. - Block 108, 65M-4421 - Zoning By-law Amendment Z.22.014 Site Development DA.22.025.pdf3.Attachment 1_Z.22.014 and DA.22.025_Context and Location Map.pdf4.Attachment 2_Z.22.014 and DA.22.025_Site Plan and Proposed Zoning.pdf5.Attachment 3_Z.22.014 and DA.22.025_Landscape Plan.pdf6.Attachment 4_Z.22.014 and DA.22.025_Building Elevations Block 1.pdf7.Attachment 5_Z.22.014 and DA.22.025_Building Elevations Block 2.pdf8.Attachment 6_Z.22.014 and DA.22.025_Building Elevations Block 3.pdf9.Attachment 7_Z.22.014 and DA.22.025_Building Elevations Block 4.pdf10.Attachment 8_Z.22.014 and DA.22.025_Building Elevations Block 5.pdf11.Attachment 9_Z.22.014 and DA.22.025_Building Elevations Block 6.pdf12.Attachment 10_Z.22.014 and DA.22.025_Block Plan - Block 61 West.pdf13.Attachment 11_Z.22.014 and DA.22.025_Zoning By-law 001-2021 Table 1.pdf14.Attachment 12_Z.22.014 and DA.22.025_Conditions of Site Development Application File DA.22.025.pdf15.By-law 011-2024.pdf1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_4.pdf2.Proposed Street Name Report 19T-20V008.pdf3.Attachment1_19T-20V008_LocationMap.pdf4.Attachment2_19T-20V008_PropStreetName.pdf1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_5.pdf2.bylaw394-2002_amendment.pdf3.Attachment 1 - By-law 394-2002.pdf4.By-law 021-2024.pdf1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_6.pdf2.INTERIM PROPERTY TAX LEVY FOR 2024 – ALL WARDS.pdf3.By-law 020-2024.pdf1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_7.pdf2.2024 TEMPORARY BORROWING.pdf3.2024 TEMPORARY BORROWING BY-LAW.pdf4.By-law 002-2024.pdf1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_8.pdf2.2024 KLEINBURG BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA (KBIA) – BUDGET AND LEVY – WARD 1.pdf3.KBIA BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2024 TERM.pdf4.KBIA 2024 BUDGET.pdf1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_9.pdf2.Health Innovation Ecosystem Development Activities in Chicago.pdf1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_10.pdf2.2023 Germany and Italy Mission Final Report and 2024 Economic Relations.pdf3.Attachment 1 - Daily Memos.pdf1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_11.pdf2.ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL PROCLAMATIONS - 2024-26.pdf1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_12.pdf2.ROAD CLOSURE - PART OF INTERCHANGE WAY AND PART OF DOUGHTON ROAD - VMC.pdf3.ATTACHMENT 1 (amended)- Deposited R-Plan 65R-40282.pdf1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_13.pdf2.PROCLAMATION REQUEST RARE DISEASE DAY.pdf3.ATTACHMENT 1 - RARE DISEASE DAY.pdf1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_14.pdf2.PROCLAMATION REQUEST NATIONAL 211 DAY.pdf3.ATTACHMENT 1 - NATIONAL 211 DAY.pdf1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_15.pdf2.Communication_C1_CL_0130_24.pdf3.Communication_C4_CW1_0123_24.pdf4.TRANSMITTAL REPORT FROM HERITAGE VAUGHAN COMMITTEE - 1050 RUTHERFORD ROAD.pdf1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_16.pdf2.Communication_C1_CL_0130_24(1).pdf3.Communication_C4_CW1_0123_24(1).pdf4.TRANSMITTAL REPORT FROM HV COMMITTEE - 1078 MAJOR MACKENZIE DRIVE WEST.pdf1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_17.pdf2.Communication_C4_CW1_0123_24(2).pdf3.TRANSMITTAL REPORT FROM HV COMMITTEE - 11511 WESTON ROAD.pdf1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_18.pdf2.Communication_C1_CL_0130_24(2).pdf3.Communication_C4_CW1_0123_24(3).pdf4.TRANSMITTAL REPORT FROM HV COMMITTEE - 11151 WESTON ROAD.pdf1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_19.pdf2.Communication_C4_CW1_0123_24(4).pdf3.TRANSMITTAL REPORT FROM HV COMMITTEE - 8 LESTER B. PEARSON.pdf1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_20.pdf2.MR - DMLJ - York Region Alliance of Women in Leadership Jan 23 2024_.pdf1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_21.pdf2.RC Ferri - MR_IGRAdvocacy - 1-23-2024.pdf1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_22.pdf1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_23.pdf1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_24.pdf1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_25.pdf1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_26.pdf1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_27.pdf1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_27.1.pdf1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_27.2.pdf1.Extract_1cw0123_24ex_28.pdf