CITY OF VAUGHANCOMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (1)AGENDAIf you wish to speak to an item listed on the Agenda in person or via electronic participation, please pre-register by completing a Request to Speak Form online, emailing, or contacting Access Vaughan at 905-832-2281, by 12 noon on the last business day before the meeting.Tuesday, May 30, 2023 1:00 P.m. - 2:00 P.m.Council Chamber2nd Floor, Vaughan City Hall2141 Major Mackenzie DriveVaughan, Ontario1.CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA 2.DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST 3.COMMUNICATIONS 1.0530-23 CW (1) Communications.pdfSee attached.4.CEREMONIAL PRESENTATIONS 1.Ontario Public Works Association (OPWA) Project of the Year Award The City of Vaughan Smart Cities Road Patrol Solution project receives the OPWA’s Project of the Year Award.2.Bird Friendly City Certification The City of Vaughan has been certified as a Bird Friendly City by Nature Canada.3.Fire Chief Commendation Adrian Goodridge from Transportation and Fleet Management Services receives the Fire Chief’s Commendation Award for his selfless act in rendering aid to residents experiencing a fire emergency in their home.5.PRESENTATIONS 6.DETERMINATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION INCLUDING MEMBERS RESOLUTION(S) Planning and Growth Management1.BETHPAGE PROPERTIES WEST INC.: OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT FILE OP.21.013, ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT FILE Z.21.023 – 9001 REGIONAL ROAD 50, VICINITY OF REGIONAL ROAD 50 AND RUTHERFORD ROAD 1.BETHPAGE PROPERTIES WEST INC OP.21.013 AND Z.21.023 CW.pdf2.ATTACHMENT 1 - OP.21.013 AND Z.21.023 - CONTEXT AND LOCATION MAP.pdf3.ATTACHMENT 2 - OP.21.013 AND Z.21.023 - SCHEDULE 13 LAND USE VOP 2010.pdf4.ATTACHMENT 3 - OP.21.013 AND Z.21.023 - PROPOSED OP AMENDMENT.pdf5.ATTACHMENT 4 - OP.21.013 AND Z.21.023 - PROPOSED ZONING AND CONCEPT SITE PLAN_.pdf6.ATTACHMENT 5 - OP.21.013 AND Z.21.023 - ELEVATIONS - BUILDING A.pdf7.ATTACHMENT 6 - OP.21.013 AND Z.21.023 - ELEVATIONS - BUILDING B.pdf8.ATTACHMENT 7 - OP.21.013 AND Z.21.023 - JUNE 25 2007 COUNCIL-RED-LINED DRAFT APPROVED PLAN OF SUBDIVISION FILE 19T-06V13.pdf9.ATTACHMENT 8 - OP.21.013 AND Z.21.023 - APPROVED BLOCK 64 PLAN, APRIL 19, 2012.pdf10.ATTACHMENT 9 - OP.21.013 AND Z.21.023 - ZONING BY-LAW 1-88 TABLE 1.pdf11.ATTACHMENT 10 - OP.21.013 AND Z.21.023 - ZONING BY-LAW 01-2021 TABLE 2.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Growth Management, with respect to the above.2.BLOCK 18 PROPERTIES INC. & BLOCK 18 (RUTHERFORD) INC.: ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT FILE Z.20.039, DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION FILE 19T-20V008 – VICINITY OF RUTHERFORD ROAD AND PETER RUPERT AVENUE 1.BLOCK 18 PROPERTIES INC. AND BLOCK 18 (RUTHERFORD) INC. Z.20.039 19T-20V008 .pdf2.Attachment 1_Z.20.039_19T-20V008_Conditions of Draft Plan of Subdivision Approval.pdf3.Attachment 2_Z.20.039_19T-20V008_Location Map.pdf4.Attachment 3_Z.20.039_Proposed Zoning and Draft Plan of Subdivision File 19T-20V008.pdf5.Attachment 4 _Z.20.039_19T-20V008_ Zoning By-law 1-88 Table 1.pdf6.Communication_C1_CW1_0530_23.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Growth Management, with respect to the above.3.AUGEND INVESTMENTS LTD. TGA GROUP: ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT FILE NO. Z.21.051 – 20 ROYAL GATE BOULEVARD, VICINITY OF REGIONAL ROAD 27 AND HIGHWAY 7 1.AUGEND INVESTMENTS LTD TGA GROUP Z.21.051 - CW.pdf2.ATTACHMENT 1 - Z.21.051 - CONTEXT AND LOCATION MAP.pdf3.ATTACHMENT 2 - Z.21.051 - PROPOSED ZONING AND CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN.pdf4.ATTACHMENT 3 - Z.21.051 - BUILDING ELEVATIONS.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Growth Management, with respect to the above.4.NASHVILLE TEN ACRES DEVELOPMENTS INC. AND NASHVILLE DEVELOPMENTS (BARONS) INC.: ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT FILE NO. Z.22.001 – NORTHEAST CORNER OF MACTIER DRIVE AND BARONS STREET, VICINITY OF HUNTINGTON ROAD AND MACTIER DRIVE 1.NASHVILLE TEN ACRES DEVELOPMENTS INC AND NASHVILLE DEVELOPMENTS (BARONS) INC Z.22.001 CW.pdf2.ATTACHMENT 1 - Z.22.001 - CONTEXT AND LOCATION MAP.pdf3.ATTACHMENT 2 - Z.22.001 - PROPOSED ZONING.pdf4.ATTACHMENT 3 - Z.22.001 - PROPOSED ZONING AND SITE PLAN.pdf5.ATTACHMENT 4 - Z.22.001 - LANDSCPAE PLAN.pdf6.ATTACHMENT 5 - Z.22.001 - ELEVATION - BLOCK 1.pdf7.ATTACHMENT 6 - Z.22.001 - ELEVATION - BLOCK 2.pdf8.ATTACHMENT 7 - Z.22.001 - ZONING BY-LAW 1-88 TABLE 1.pdf9.ATTACHMENT 8 - Z.22.001 - ZONING BY-LAW 001-2021 TABLE 2.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Growth Management, with respect to the above.5.THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST (THE APOSTLES FOUNDATION): ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT FILE Z.22.017 – 227 BOWES ROAD, SOUTHEAST QUADRANT OF KEELE ST. AND RIVERMEDE ROAD 1.THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST - APOSTLES FDN. - 227 BOWES RD. Z.22.017.pdf2.ATTACHMENT 1 - Z.22.017 Context and Location Map.pdf3.ATTACHMENT 2 - Z.22.017 - Site Plan and Zoning.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Growth Management, with respect to the above.6.YORK MAJOR HOLDINGS INC.: ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT FILE Z.22.044 – 1840, 1850, 1860, 1890 AND 1900 MAJOR MACKENZIE DRIVE WEST AND 150, 170, 190 AND 200 MCNAUGHTON ROAD EAST, VICINITY OF MCNAUGHTON ROAD EAST AND MAJOR MACKENZIE DRIVE WEST 1.YORK MAJOR HOLDINGS INC. Z.22.044 cw.pdf2.Attachment 1_ Z.22.044_Context and Location Map.pdf3.Attachment 2_Z.22.044_Existing Site Plan and Zoning.pdf4.Attachment 3_Z.22.044_ Zoning By-law 1-88 Table 1.pdf5.Attachment 4 - Zoning By-law 01-2021 Table 2.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Growth Management, with respect to the above.7.2706640 ONTARIO INC.: ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT FILE Z.20.035, SITE DEVELOPMENT FILE DA.20.058 – 9575 KEELE STREET, VICINITY OF KEELE STREET AND KNIGHTSWOOD AVENUE 1.2706640 ONTARIO INC.Z.20.035 AND DA.20.058.pdf2.Attachment 1_Z.20.035_DA.20.058_Context Map.pdf3.Attachment 2_Z.20.035_DA.20.058_Location Map.pdf4.Attachment 3_Z.20.035_DA.20.058_Site Plan and Proposed Zoning.pdf5.Attachment 4_Z.20.035_DA.20.058_Landscape Plan.pdf6.Attachment 5_Z.20.035_DA.20.058_Building Elevations_Semi Detached Dwellings.pdf7.Attachment 6_Z.20.035_DA.20.058_Building Elevations East and West - Apartment Building.pdf8.Attachment 7_Z.20.035_DA.20.058_Building Elevations North and South- Apartment Building.pdf9.Attachment 8_Z.20.035_DA.20.058_Original Development Proposal.pdf10.Attachment 9_Z.20.035_DA.20.058_Zoning By-law 1-88 Table 1.pdf11.Attachment 10_Z.20.035_DA.20.058_Zoning By-law 01-2021 Table 2.pdf12.Attachment 11_Z.20.035_DA.20.058_Conditions of Site Plan Approval.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Growth Management, with respect to the above.8.GRANEROLA RESIDENCES LTD.: DRAFT PLAN OF CONDOMINIUM (STANDARD) FILE 19CDM-22V012, VICINITY OF RUTHERFORD ROAD AND JANE STREET 1.Granerola Residences Ltd. 19CDM-22V012.pdf2.Attachment 1_19CDM-22V012_Context and Location Map.pdf3.Attachment 2_19CDM-22V012_Draft Plan of Condominium, Ground Floor.pdf4.Attachment 3_19CDM-22V012_Draft Plan of Condominium, Levels 2 to 5.pdf5.Attachment 4_19CDM-22V012_Draft Plan of Condominium, Levels 6 to 8.pdf6.Attachment 5_19CDM-22V012_Draft Plan of Condominium, Levels 9 to 28 and Mechanical Roof Level 29.pdf7.Attachment 6_19CDM-22V012_Draft Plan of Condominium, Underground Parking Level A and B.pdf8.Attachment 7_19CDM-22V012_Draft Plan of Condominium, Underground Parking Level C and D.pdf9.Attachment 8_19CDM-22V012_Approved Site Plan File DA.19.084.pdf10.Attachment 9 - 19CDM-22V012_Conditions of Draft Approval.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Growth Management, with respect to the above.9.DULCINA INVESTMENTS INC.: SITE DEVELOPMENT FILE DA.20.060 – 8960 JANE STREET, VICINITY OF JANE STREET AND RUTHERFORD ROAD 1.DA.20.060 Dulcina Investments Inc.pdf2.Attachment 1_DA.20.060_Context Location Map.pdf3.Attachment 2_DA.20.060_Site Plan.pdf4.Attachment 3_DA.20.060_Landscape Plan.pdf5.Attachment 4_DA.20.060_Elevations South North.pdf6.Attachment 5_DA.20.060_Elevations East.pdf7.Attachment 6_DA.20.060_ Elevations West.pdf8.Attachment 7_DA.20.060_City of Vaughan Conditions of Approval.pdf9.Attachment 7A_DA.20.060_York Region Conditions.pdf10.Attachment 7B_DA.20.060_CN Conditions.pdf11.Attachment 7C_DA.20.060_Canada Post Conditions.pdf12.Attachment 8_DA.20.060_By-law 033-2019.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Growth Management, with respect to the above.10.THORNHILL SNAP MULTI-YEAR AGREEMENT AND UPDATE 1.THORNHILL SNAP MULTI-YEAR AGREEMENT AND UPDATE.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Growth Management, with respect to the above.Public Works11.SEWER USE BY-LAW ADMINISTRATIVE AMENDMENTS 1.Sewer Use By-law Administrative Amendments.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Public Works, with respect to the above.Community Services12.BACKYARD HENS 1.Backyard Hens.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Community Services, with respect to the above.Council13.CITY OF VAUGHAN MAYOR’S GALA AND MAYOR STEVEN DEL DUCA CHARITY GOLF CLASSIC – RECIPIENT ORGANIZATIONS FROM JANUARY 1, 2023 TO APRIL 30, 2023 1.MAYORS GALA AND CHARITY GOLF CLASSIC RECIPIENTS JAN TO APR 2023(4).pdf2.Attachment 1 MAYORS GALA AND CHARITY GOLF CLASSIC RECIPIENTS JAN TO APR 2023.pdfResolution of Mayor Del Duca with respect to the above.7.ADOPTION OF ITEMS NOT REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION 8.CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION 9.CONSIDERATION OF STATUTORY/AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS 1.Official Plan Update Sub-Committee meeting of May 3, 2023 (Report No. 4) 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - Official Plan Update Sub-Committee_May03_2023 - English.pdf10.STAFF COMMUNICATIONS 1.0530-23 CW (1) Staff Communication SC1.pdfSee attached.11.NEW BUSINESS 12.ADJOURNMENT ALL APPENDICES ARE AVAILABLE FROM THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICEPLEASE NOTE THAT THIS MEETING WILL BE AUDIO RECORDEDAND VIDEO BROADCAST (Agendas, Minutes and Live Council Broadcast)No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.Post-Meeting Minutes - Official Plan Update Sub-Committee_May03_2023 - English.pdf1.AUGEND INVESTMENTS LTD TGA GROUP Z.21.051 - CW.pdf2.ATTACHMENT 1 - Z.21.051 - CONTEXT AND LOCATION MAP.pdf3.ATTACHMENT 2 - Z.21.051 - PROPOSED ZONING AND CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN.pdf4.ATTACHMENT 3 - Z.21.051 - BUILDING ELEVATIONS.pdf1.BETHPAGE PROPERTIES WEST INC OP.21.013 AND Z.21.023 CW.pdf2.ATTACHMENT 1 - OP.21.013 AND Z.21.023 - CONTEXT AND LOCATION MAP.pdf3.ATTACHMENT 2 - OP.21.013 AND Z.21.023 - SCHEDULE 13 LAND USE VOP 2010.pdf4.ATTACHMENT 3 - OP.21.013 AND Z.21.023 - PROPOSED OP AMENDMENT.pdf5.ATTACHMENT 4 - OP.21.013 AND Z.21.023 - PROPOSED ZONING AND CONCEPT SITE PLAN_.pdf6.ATTACHMENT 5 - OP.21.013 AND Z.21.023 - ELEVATIONS - BUILDING A.pdf7.ATTACHMENT 6 - OP.21.013 AND Z.21.023 - ELEVATIONS - BUILDING B.pdf8.ATTACHMENT 7 - OP.21.013 AND Z.21.023 - JUNE 25 2007 COUNCIL-RED-LINED DRAFT APPROVED PLAN OF SUBDIVISION FILE 19T-06V13.pdf9.ATTACHMENT 8 - OP.21.013 AND Z.21.023 - APPROVED BLOCK 64 PLAN, APRIL 19, 2012.pdf10.ATTACHMENT 9 - OP.21.013 AND Z.21.023 - ZONING BY-LAW 1-88 TABLE 1.pdf11.ATTACHMENT 10 - OP.21.013 AND Z.21.023 - ZONING BY-LAW 01-2021 TABLE 2.pdf1.Granerola Residences Ltd. 19CDM-22V012.pdf2.Attachment 1_19CDM-22V012_Context and Location Map.pdf3.Attachment 2_19CDM-22V012_Draft Plan of Condominium, Ground Floor.pdf4.Attachment 3_19CDM-22V012_Draft Plan of Condominium, Levels 2 to 5.pdf5.Attachment 4_19CDM-22V012_Draft Plan of Condominium, Levels 6 to 8.pdf6.Attachment 5_19CDM-22V012_Draft Plan of Condominium, Levels 9 to 28 and Mechanical Roof Level 29.pdf7.Attachment 6_19CDM-22V012_Draft Plan of Condominium, Underground Parking Level A and B.pdf8.Attachment 7_19CDM-22V012_Draft Plan of Condominium, Underground Parking Level C and D.pdf9.Attachment 8_19CDM-22V012_Approved Site Plan File DA.19.084.pdf10.Attachment 9 - 19CDM-22V012_Conditions of Draft Approval.pdf1.NASHVILLE TEN ACRES DEVELOPMENTS INC AND NASHVILLE DEVELOPMENTS (BARONS) INC Z.22.001 CW.pdf2.ATTACHMENT 1 - Z.22.001 - CONTEXT AND LOCATION MAP.pdf3.ATTACHMENT 2 - Z.22.001 - PROPOSED ZONING.pdf4.ATTACHMENT 3 - Z.22.001 - PROPOSED ZONING AND SITE PLAN.pdf5.ATTACHMENT 4 - Z.22.001 - LANDSCPAE PLAN.pdf6.ATTACHMENT 5 - Z.22.001 - ELEVATION - BLOCK 1.pdf7.ATTACHMENT 6 - Z.22.001 - ELEVATION - BLOCK 2.pdf8.ATTACHMENT 7 - Z.22.001 - ZONING BY-LAW 1-88 TABLE 1.pdf9.ATTACHMENT 8 - Z.22.001 - ZONING BY-LAW 001-2021 TABLE 2.pdf1.Sewer Use By-law Administrative Amendments.pdf1.THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST - APOSTLES FDN. - 227 BOWES RD. Z.22.017.pdf2.ATTACHMENT 1 - Z.22.017 Context and Location Map.pdf3.ATTACHMENT 2 - Z.22.017 - Site Plan and Zoning.pdf1.THORNHILL SNAP MULTI-YEAR AGREEMENT AND UPDATE.pdf1.YORK MAJOR HOLDINGS INC. Z.22.044 cw.pdf2.Attachment 1_ Z.22.044_Context and Location Map.pdf3.Attachment 2_Z.22.044_Existing Site Plan and Zoning.pdf4.Attachment 3_Z.22.044_ Zoning By-law 1-88 Table 1.pdf5.Attachment 4 - Zoning By-law 01-2021 Table 2.pdf1.Backyard Hens.pdf1.BLOCK 18 PROPERTIES INC. AND BLOCK 18 (RUTHERFORD) INC. Z.20.039 19T-20V008 .pdf2.Attachment 1_Z.20.039_19T-20V008_Conditions of Draft Plan of Subdivision Approval.pdf3.Attachment 2_Z.20.039_19T-20V008_Location Map.pdf4.Attachment 3_Z.20.039_Proposed Zoning and Draft Plan of Subdivision File 19T-20V008.pdf5.Attachment 4 _Z.20.039_19T-20V008_ Zoning By-law 1-88 Table 1.pdf6.Communication_C1_CW1_0530_23.pdf1.MAYORS GALA AND CHARITY GOLF CLASSIC RECIPIENTS JAN TO APR 2023(4).pdf2.Attachment 1 MAYORS GALA AND CHARITY GOLF CLASSIC RECIPIENTS JAN TO APR 2023.pdf1.2706640 ONTARIO INC.Z.20.035 AND DA.20.058.pdf2.Attachment 1_Z.20.035_DA.20.058_Context Map.pdf3.Attachment 2_Z.20.035_DA.20.058_Location Map.pdf4.Attachment 3_Z.20.035_DA.20.058_Site Plan and Proposed Zoning.pdf5.Attachment 4_Z.20.035_DA.20.058_Landscape Plan.pdf6.Attachment 5_Z.20.035_DA.20.058_Building Elevations_Semi Detached Dwellings.pdf7.Attachment 6_Z.20.035_DA.20.058_Building Elevations East and West - Apartment Building.pdf8.Attachment 7_Z.20.035_DA.20.058_Building Elevations North and South- Apartment Building.pdf9.Attachment 8_Z.20.035_DA.20.058_Original Development Proposal.pdf10.Attachment 9_Z.20.035_DA.20.058_Zoning By-law 1-88 Table 1.pdf11.Attachment 10_Z.20.035_DA.20.058_Zoning By-law 01-2021 Table 2.pdf12.Attachment 11_Z.20.035_DA.20.058_Conditions of Site Plan Approval.pdf1.DA.20.060 Dulcina Investments Inc.pdf2.Attachment 1_DA.20.060_Context Location Map.pdf3.Attachment 2_DA.20.060_Site Plan.pdf4.Attachment 3_DA.20.060_Landscape Plan.pdf5.Attachment 4_DA.20.060_Elevations South North.pdf6.Attachment 5_DA.20.060_Elevations East.pdf7.Attachment 6_DA.20.060_ Elevations West.pdf8.Attachment 7_DA.20.060_City of Vaughan Conditions of Approval.pdf9.Attachment 7A_DA.20.060_York Region Conditions.pdf10.Attachment 7B_DA.20.060_CN Conditions.pdf11.Attachment 7C_DA.20.060_Canada Post Conditions.pdf12.Attachment 8_DA.20.060_By-law 033-2019.pdf1.0530-23 CW (1) Staff Communication SC1.pdf1.0530-23 CW (1) Communications.pdf