CITY OF VAUGHANCOMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (PUBLIC MEETING)AGENDAIf you wish to speak to an item listed on the Agenda in person or via electronic participation, please pre-register by completing a Request to Speak Form online, emailing, or contacting Access Vaughan at 905-832-2281, by 12 noon on the last business day before the meeting.Monday, September 19, 2022 7:00 P.m. - 9:00 P.m.Council Chamber2nd Floor, Vaughan City Hall2141 Major Mackenzie DriveVaughan, Ontario1.DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST 2.COMMUNICATIONS 1.0919_22 PM Communications.pdfSee attached.3.CONSIDERATION OF PUBLIC MEETING ITEMS 1.THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST (THE APOSTLES FOUNDATION) ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT FILE Z.22.017 - 227 BOWES ROAD SOUTHEAST QUADRANT OF KEELE ST. & RIVERMEDE RD 1.THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST (THE APOSTLES FOUNDATION) - 227 BOWES RD. Z.22.017.pdf2.ATTACHMENT 1 - Z.22.017 - Context and Location Map.pdf3.ATTACHMENT 2 - Z.22.017 - Proposed Zoning and Site Plan.pdf4.ATTACHMENT 3 - Z.22.017 - Elevations - North, East, South, West.pdf5.Communication_C21_PM_0919_22.pdfInformation item from the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Growth Management with respect to the above.2.SAVINO ROVIRA ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT FILE Z.21.035 - 7611 PINE VALLEY DRIVE, UNIT 17 VICINITY OF PINE VALLEY DRIVE AND HIGHWAY 7 1.SAVINO ROVIRA Z.21.035.pdf2.ATTACHMENT 1 - Z.21.035 - CONTEXT AND LOCATION MAP.pdf3.ATTACHMENT 2 - Z.21.035 - PROPOSED ZONING AND EXISTING SITE PLAN.pdf4.Communication_C1_PM_0919_22_R.pdfInformation item from the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Growth Management with respect to the above.3.AMAL AND VINCE TETI ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT FILE Z.22.022 - 100 TREELAWN BOULEVARD VICINITY OF ISLINGTON AVENUE AND NASHVILLE ROAD 1.AMAL AND VINCE TETI - Z.22.022.pdf2.ATTACHMENT 1_Z.22.022_Context and Location Map.pdf3.ATTACHMENT 2_Z.22.022_Schedule E-630 to Zoning By-law 1-88.pdf4.ATTACHMENT 3_Z.22.022_Conceptual Site Plan.pdf5.ATTACHMENT 4_Z.22.022_Conceptual Landscape Plan.pdf6.ATTACHMENT 5_Z.22.022_South and West Building Elevations Dwelling A.pdf7.ATTACHMENT 6_Z.22.022_North and East Building Elevations Dwelling A.pdf8.ATTACHMENT 7_Z.22.022_North and East Building Elevations Dwelling B.pdf9.ATTACHMENT 8_Z.22.022_South and West Building Elevations Dwelling B.pdf10.Communication_C2_PM_0919_22_R.pdf11.Communication_C3_PM_0919_22_R.pdf12.Communication_C4_PM_0919_22_R.pdf13.Communication_C5_PM_0919_22_R.pdf14.Communication_C6_PM_0919_22_R.pdf15.Communication_C7_PM_0919_22_R.pdf16.Communication_C8_PM_0919_22_R.pdf17.Communication_C9_PM_0919_22_R.pdf18.Communication_C10_PM_0919_22_R.pdf19.Communication_C11_PM_0919_22_R.pdf20.Communication_C12_PM_0919_22_R.pdf21.Communication_C13_PM_0919_22_R.pdf22.Communication_C14_PM_0919_22_R.pdf23.Communication_C15_PM_0919_22_R.pdf24.Communication_C16_PM_0919_22_R.pdf25.Communication_C17_PM_0919_22_R.pdf26.Communication_C19_PM_0919_22.pdfInformation item from the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Growth Management with respect to the above.4.PROMENADE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT FILE Z.22.026 - 1 PROMENADE CIRCLE VICINITY OF BATHURST STREET AND CENTRE STREET 1.PROMENADE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Z.22.026.pdf2.ATTACHMENT 1_Z.22.026_DA.22.050_Context and Location Map.pdf3.ATTACHMENT 2_Z.22.026_DA.22.050_Site Plan and Proposed Zoning.pdf4.ATTACHMENT 3_Z.22.026_DA.22.050_Building Elevations - North and East.pdf5.ATTACHMENT 4_Z.22.026_DA.22.050_Building Elevations - South and West.pdf6.ATTACHMENT 5_Z.22.026_DA.22.050_Council Approved Promenade - Secondary Plan - Land Use Schedule.pdf7.Communication_C20_PM_0919_22.pdfInformation item from the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Growth Management with respect to the above.5.2748355 CANADA INC. (QUADREAL BLOCK 4S) OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT OP.22.010 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT Z.22.019 SITE DEVELOPMENT DA.22.031 PART OF LOT 5, CONCESSION 5 LANDS TO THE NORTHWEST OF COMMERCE STREET AND INTERCHANGE WAY 1.2748355 CANADA INC. (QUADREAL BLOCK 4S) - OP.22.010, Z.22.019, AND DA.22.031.pdf2.Attachment 1 - OP.22.010, Z.22.019, DA.22.031 - Context and Location Map.pdf3.Attachment 2 - OP.22.010, Z.22.019, DA.22.031 - Polling Location Map.pdf4.Attachment 3 - OP.22.010, Z.22.019, DA.22.031 - Site Plan.pdf5.Attachment 4 - OP.22.010, Z.22.019, DA.22.031 - Landscape Plan.pdf6.Attachment 5 - OP.22.010, Z.22.019, DA.22.031 - Context Model.pdf7.Attachment 6 - OP.22.010, Z.22.019, DA.22.031 - Perspective Rendering.pdf8.Communication_C18_PM_0919_22.pdfInformation item from the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Growth Management with respect to the above.4.ADJOURNMENT ALL APPENDICES ARE AVAILABLE FROM THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICEPLEASE NOTE THAT THIS MEETING WILL BE AUDIO RECORDEDAND VIDEO BROADCAST (Agendas, Minutes and Live Council Broadcast)No Item SelectedAgenda item details popup This item has no attachments1.SAVINO ROVIRA Z.21.035.pdf2.ATTACHMENT 1 - Z.21.035 - CONTEXT AND LOCATION MAP.pdf3.ATTACHMENT 2 - Z.21.035 - PROPOSED ZONING AND EXISTING SITE PLAN.pdf4.Communication_C1_PM_0919_22_R.pdf1.THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST (THE APOSTLES FOUNDATION) - 227 BOWES RD. Z.22.017.pdf2.ATTACHMENT 1 - Z.22.017 - Context and Location Map.pdf3.ATTACHMENT 2 - Z.22.017 - Proposed Zoning and Site Plan.pdf4.ATTACHMENT 3 - Z.22.017 - Elevations - North, East, South, West.pdf5.Communication_C21_PM_0919_22.pdf1.AMAL AND VINCE TETI - Z.22.022.pdf2.ATTACHMENT 1_Z.22.022_Context and Location Map.pdf3.ATTACHMENT 2_Z.22.022_Schedule E-630 to Zoning By-law 1-88.pdf4.ATTACHMENT 3_Z.22.022_Conceptual Site Plan.pdf5.ATTACHMENT 4_Z.22.022_Conceptual Landscape Plan.pdf6.ATTACHMENT 5_Z.22.022_South and West Building Elevations Dwelling A.pdf7.ATTACHMENT 6_Z.22.022_North and East Building Elevations Dwelling A.pdf8.ATTACHMENT 7_Z.22.022_North and East Building Elevations Dwelling B.pdf9.ATTACHMENT 8_Z.22.022_South and West Building Elevations Dwelling B.pdf10.Communication_C2_PM_0919_22_R.pdf11.Communication_C3_PM_0919_22_R.pdf12.Communication_C4_PM_0919_22_R.pdf13.Communication_C5_PM_0919_22_R.pdf14.Communication_C6_PM_0919_22_R.pdf15.Communication_C7_PM_0919_22_R.pdf16.Communication_C8_PM_0919_22_R.pdf17.Communication_C9_PM_0919_22_R.pdf18.Communication_C10_PM_0919_22_R.pdf19.Communication_C11_PM_0919_22_R.pdf20.Communication_C12_PM_0919_22_R.pdf21.Communication_C13_PM_0919_22_R.pdf22.Communication_C14_PM_0919_22_R.pdf23.Communication_C15_PM_0919_22_R.pdf24.Communication_C16_PM_0919_22_R.pdf25.Communication_C17_PM_0919_22_R.pdf26.Communication_C19_PM_0919_22.pdf1.PROMENADE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Z.22.026.pdf2.ATTACHMENT 1_Z.22.026_DA.22.050_Context and Location Map.pdf3.ATTACHMENT 2_Z.22.026_DA.22.050_Site Plan and Proposed Zoning.pdf4.ATTACHMENT 3_Z.22.026_DA.22.050_Building Elevations - North and East.pdf5.ATTACHMENT 4_Z.22.026_DA.22.050_Building Elevations - South and West.pdf6.ATTACHMENT 5_Z.22.026_DA.22.050_Council Approved Promenade - Secondary Plan - Land Use Schedule.pdf7.Communication_C20_PM_0919_22.pdf1.2748355 CANADA INC. (QUADREAL BLOCK 4S) - OP.22.010, Z.22.019, AND DA.22.031.pdf2.Attachment 1 - OP.22.010, Z.22.019, DA.22.031 - Context and Location Map.pdf3.Attachment 2 - OP.22.010, Z.22.019, DA.22.031 - Polling Location Map.pdf4.Attachment 3 - OP.22.010, Z.22.019, DA.22.031 - Site Plan.pdf5.Attachment 4 - OP.22.010, Z.22.019, DA.22.031 - Landscape Plan.pdf6.Attachment 5 - OP.22.010, Z.22.019, DA.22.031 - Context Model.pdf7.Attachment 6 - OP.22.010, Z.22.019, DA.22.031 - Perspective Rendering.pdf8.Communication_C18_PM_0919_22.pdf1.0919_22 PM Communications.pdf