CITY OF VAUGHANCOMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (2)AGENDAIf you wish to speak to an item listed on the Agenda in person or via electronic participation, please pre-register by completing a Request to Speak Form online, emailing, or contacting Access Vaughan at 905-832-2281, by 12 noon on the last business day before the meeting.Tuesday, June 06, 2023 1:00 P.m. - 4:00 P.m.Council Chamber2nd Floor, Vaughan City Hall2141 Major Mackenzie DriveVaughan, Ontario1.CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA 2.DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST 3.COMMUNICATIONS 1.0606_2023 CW (2) - COMMUNICATIONS.pdfSee attached.4.CEREMONIAL PRESENTATIONS 5.PRESENTATIONS 1.Recognizing and celebrating the City's diverse 2SLGBTQI+ communities, The 482 Collective. 1.Communication_C7_CW2_060623.pdfRecognizing and celebrating the City's diverse 2SLGBTQI+ communities, including their contributions and ongoing struggle for acceptance. Requesting support for the establishment of an annual Pride Month flag raising event and the future allocation of resources from the City of Vaughan.2.“Lace-Up to End Diabetes” event, Diabetes Canada. 1.Communication_C3_CW2_060623.pdfIntroduction of “Lace-Up to end Diabetes” peer-to-peer fundraising campaign for Diabetes Canada and to request that the City of Vaughan and/or Vaughan Fire and Rescue Service host activities to support the campaign.6.DETERMINATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION INCLUDING MEMBERS RESOLUTION(S) Corporate Services and Finance1.2022 ANNUAL INVESTMENT REPORT 1.2022 ANNUAL INVESTMENT REPORT.pdf2.ATTACHMENT 1 - 2022 ANNUAL INVESTMENT REPORT - Listing of Securities Held as at December 31, 2022.pdf3.ATTACHMENT 2- 2022 ANNUAL INVESTMENT REPORT - Investments Held by Sector as at December 31, 2022.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services, City Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer with respect to the above.2.2022 DEVELOPMENT CHARGE RESERVE AND SPECIAL RESERVE STATEMENT 1.2022 DEVELOPMENT CHARGE RESERVE AND SPECIAL RESERVE STATEMENT.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Development Charge Reserve Fund Statement.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Description of City Wide and Area Specific DC Reserves.pdf4.Attachment 3 - Cash-in-Lieu of Parkland Reserve Fund Statement.pdf5.Attachment 4 - Section 37 Reserve Fund Statement.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services, City Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer with respect to the above.3.2023 ISSUANCE OF DEBENTURES 1.2023 Issuance of Debentures.pdf2.Attachment 1 – Capital Projects With Debt Funding (December 31, 2022).pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services, City Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer with respect to the above.4.2023 ADOPTION OF TAX RATES AND ISSUANCE OF PROPERTY TAX NOTICES – ALL WARDS 1.2023 ADOPTION OF TAX RATES AND ISSUANCE OF PROPERTY TAX NOTICES – ALL WARDS.pdf2.Attachment 1 - 2023 Tax Rate Schedule (002).pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services, City Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer with respect to the above.5.PROJECT SEARCH IMPLEMENTATION REPORT 1.PROJECT SEARCH IMPLEMENTATION REPORT.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services, City Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer with respect to the above.Planning and Growth Management6.PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO VAUGHAN OFFICIAL PLAN 2010, VOLUME 1, POLICY 10.1.3 AND BY-LAW 278-2009 AS AMENDED IN RESPONSE TO BILL 109 (MORE HOMES FOR EVERYONE, 2022) FILE 25.7 1.PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO VOP 2010, VOLUME 1, POLICY 10.1.3 AND BY-LAW 278-2009 AS AMENDED IN RESPONSE TO BILL 109 FILE 25.7.pdf2.ATTACHMENT 1 - Vaughan Official Plan 2010 Policy 10.1.3 Official Plan Amendment - File 25.7 Redlined.pdf3.Communication_12_CW2_060623.pdf4.Communication_13_CW2_060623.pdf5.Communication_14_CW2_060623.pdf6.Communication_15_CW2_060623.pdf7.Communication_16_CW2_060623.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Growth Management with respect to the above.7.CANADA MORTGAGE AND HOUSING CORPORATION - HOUSING ACCELERATOR FUND 1.CMHC-Housing Accelerator Fund Application.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Growth Management with respect to the above.8.8274-8286 ISLINGTON AVENUE INC. OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT FILE OP.22.003 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT FILE Z.22.005 - 8270, 8274, AND 8286 ISLINGTON AVENUE VICINITY OF ISLINGTON AVENUE AND HARTMAN AVENUE 1.8274-8266 Islington Avenue Inc - OP.22.003 and Z.22.005 - 8270, 8274 and 8286 Islington Avenue.pdf2.Attachment 1 - OP.22.003 and Z.22.005 - Context and Location Map.pdf3.Attachment 2 - OP.22.003 and Z.22.005 - Proposed Official Plan Designation.pdf4.Attachment 3 - OP.22.003 and Z.22.005 - Conceptual Site Plan and Proposed Zoning.pdf5.Attachment 4 - OP.22.003 and Z.22.005 - Conceptual Building Elevations.pdf6.Attachment 5 - OP.22.003 and Z.22.005 - Conceptual Landscape Plan.pdf7.Attachment 6 - OP.22.003 and Z.22.005 - Conceptual Building Views.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Growth Management with respect to the above.9.GB (MAPLECRETE) LIMITED PARTNERSHIP OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT FILE OP.21.008 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT FILE Z.21.011 AND PLAN OF SUBDIVISION FILE 19T-21V003 - 185 DOUGHTON ROAD, 108-112 MAPLECRETE ROAD VICINITY OF MAPLECRETE ROAD AND DOUGHTON ROAD 1.GB (MAPLECRETE) LIMITED PARTNERSHIP OP.21.008, Z.21.011 AND 19T-21V003.pdf2.Attachment 1 - OP.21.008, Z.21.011, 19T-21V003 - Context and Location Map.pdf3.Attachment 2 - OP.21.008, Z.21.011, 19T-21V003 - Context Existing Zoning Map.pdf4.Attachment 3 - OP.21.008, Z.21.011, 19T-21V003 - Interim and Ultimate Site Plan.pdf5.Attachment 4 - OP.21.008, Z.21.011, 19T-21V003 - Conceptual Site Plan and Proposed Rezoning.pdf6.Attachment 5 - OP.21.008, Z.21.011, 19T-21V003 - Draft Plan of Subdivision.pdf7.Attachment 6 - OP.21.008, Z.21.011, 19T-21V003 - Building Elevations (West).pdf8.Attachment 7 - OP.21.008, Z.21.011, 19T-21V003 - Building Elevations (East).pdf9.Attachment 8 - OP.21.008, Z.21.011, 19T-21V003 - Building Elevations (North and South).pdf10.Attachment 9 - Site-Specific Exceptions to Zoning By-law 1-88 (Table 2).pdf11.Attachment 10 - Draft Conditions of Approval 19T-21V003.docx.pdf12.Communication_C5_CW2_060623.pdf13.Communication_C6_CW2_060623.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Growth Management with respect to the above.10.27 DEVELOPMENTS INC. DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION FILE 19T-20V009 SITE DEVELOPMENT FILE DA.18.088 DRAFT PLAN OF CONDOMINIUM FILE 19CDM-20V010 (COMMON ELEMENT) 8440 HIGHWAY 27 VICINITY OF HIGHWAY 27 AND LANGSTAFF ROAD 1.27 DEVELOPMENTS INC. 19T-20V009, 19CDM-20V010, and DA.18.088.pdf2.Attachment 1 - 19T-20V009, DA.18.088, 19CDM-20V010 - Context Location Map.pdf3.Attachment 2 - 19T-20V009, DA.18.088, 19CDM-20V010 - Site Plan.pdf4.Attachment 3 - 19T-20V009, DA.18.088, 19CDM-20V010 - Landscape Plan.pdf5.Attachment 4 - 19T-20V009, DA.18.088, 19CDM-20V010 - Building Elevations (East and North).pdf6.Attachment 5 - 19T-20V009, DA.18.088, 19CDM-20V010 - Building Elevations (South and West).pdf7.Attachment 6 - 19T-20V009, DA.18.088, 19CDM-20V010 - Perspective Renderings.pdf8.Attachment 7 - 19T-20V009, DA.18.088, 19CDM-20V010 - Draft Plan of Subdivision.pdf9.Attachment 8 - 19T-20V009, DA.18.088, 19CDM-20V010 - Condo Draft Plan.pdf10.Attachment 9 - Conditions of Draft Plan of Subdivision.pdf11.Attachment 10 - Draft DA Conditions.pdf12.Attachment 11 - Conditions of Draft Condominium.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Growth Management with respect to the above.11.NASHVILLE MAJOR DEVELOPMENTS INC. ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT Z.22.027 BLOCK 226 AND PART OF BLOCK 227, PLAN 65M-4373 VICINITY OF MAJOR MACKENZIE DRIVE AND HUNTINGTON ROAD 1.Nashville Major Developments Inc. - Z.22.027 (CW2).pdf2.ATTACHMENT 1 - Z.22.027 - Context and Location Map.pdf3.ATTACHMENT 2 - Z.22.027 - Site Plan and Proposed Zoning.pdf4.ATTACHMENT 3 - Z.22.027 - Landscape Plan.pdf5.ATTACHMENT 4 - Z.22.027 - Elevations Building A1.pdf6.ATTACHMENT 5 - Z.22.027 - Elevations Building A2.pdf7.ATTACHMENT 6 - Z.22.027 - Elevations Building B.pdf8.ATTACHMENT 7 - Z.22.027 - Elevations Building C.pdf9.ATTACHMENT 8 - Z.22.027 - Elevations Building D.pdf10.ATTACHMENT 9 - Z.22.027 - Elevations Building E.pdf11.ATTACHMENT 10 - Z.22.027 - Elevations Building F.pdf12.ATTACHMENT 11 - Z.22.027 - Previous Site Plan and Proposed Zoning.pdf13.ATTACHMENT 12 - Z.22.027 - June 28, 2022 Council Approved Block 61 West Plan - Revised.pdf14.ATTACHMENT 13 - Z.22.027 - Proposed Revised Block 61 West Plan.pdf15.ATTACHMENT 14 - Z.22.027 - Proposed Zoning By-law Amendments .pdf16.Communication_10_CW2_060623_R.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Growth Management with respect to the above.12.PROMENADE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT FILE Z.22.026 - 1 PROMENADE CIRCLE VICINITY OF BATHURST STREET AND CENTRE STREET 1.PROMENADE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP (OFFICE) Z.22.026 .pdf2.Attachment 1_Z.22.026_ Context and Location Map.pdf3.Attachment 2_Z.22.026_Interim Site Plan and Proposed Zoning.pdf4.Attachment 3_Z.22.026_Ultimate Site Plan and Proposed Zoning.pdf5.Attachment 4_Z.22.026_Building Elevations - North and East.pdf6.Attachment 5_Z.22.026_Building Elevations - South and West.pdf7.Attachment 6_Z.22.026_Zoning By-law 1-88 Table 1.pdf8.Attachment 7_Z.22.026_Zoning By-law 01-2021 Table 2.pdf9.Communication_C8_CW2_060623_R.pdf10.Communication_11_CW2_060623.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Growth Management with respect to the above.13.VALLEY MAJOR DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED DRAFT PLAN OF CONDOMINIUM FILE 19CDM-23V003 (COMMON ELEMENT CONDOMINIUM) 4433, 4455, AND 4477 MAJOR MACKENZIE VICINITY OF MAJOR MACKENZIE DRIVE AND PINE VALLEY DRIVE 1.Valley Major Developments Limited - Draft Plan of Condominium 19CDM-23V003.pdf2.Attachment 1 - 19CDM-23V003 - Context and Location Map.pdf3.Attachment 2 - 19CDM-23V003 - Site Plan.pdf4.Attachment 3 - 19CDM-23V003 - Draft Plan of Condominium (Common Elements).pdf5.Attachment 4 - 19CDM-23V003 - Draft Reference Plan Parcels of Tied Land.pdf6.Attachment 5 - 19CDM-23V003 - Conditions of Draft Plan of Condominium Approval.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Growth Management with respect to the above.Infrastructure Development14.YONGE NORTH SUBWAY EXTENSION (YNSE) – SPRING 2023 UPDATE 1.Yonge North Subway Extension (YNSE) - Spring 2023 Update.pdf2.Communication_C1_CW2_060623.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Infrastructure Development with respect to the above.15.SNOW TUBING AND WINTER RECREATION AT NORTH MAPLE REGIONAL PARK 1.SNOW TUBING AND WINTER RECREATION AT NORTH MAPLE REGIONAL PARK.pdf2.ATTACHMENT 1 - GATEWAY PARKS EXPRESSION OF INTEREST.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Infrastructure Development with respect to the above.16.BLOCK 32 VELLORE WOODS COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS 1.BLOCK 32 VELLORE WOODS COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Infrastructure Development with respect to the above.17.2022 DELIVERY REPORT – INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT 1.2022 Delivery Report - Infrastructure Development.pdf2.Attachment 1 - 2022 ID_DeliveryReport.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Infrastructure Development with respect to the above.Community Services18.SIGN BY-LAW RELIEF FOR BUSINESSES 1.REPORT - UPDATE ON THE SIGN BY-LAW RELIEF FOR BUSINESSES.pdf2.Communication_C9_CW2_060623 - Item 18.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Community Services with respect to the above.19.REGULATORY SUPPORT FOR REFRESHMENT VEHICLES 1.REPORT - REFRESHMENT VEHICLES.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Community Services with respect to the above.20.TECHNICAL AMENDMENTS REPORT ON THE BUSINESS LICENSING, NOISE, PARKING AND FEES AND CHARGES BY-LAWS 1.TECHNICAL AMENDMENTS REPORT ON THE BUSINESS LICENSING, NOISE, PARKING AND FEES AND CHARGES BY-LAW.pdf2.ATTACHMENT 1 - PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE LICENSING BY-LAW AND NOISE BY-LAW.pdf3.Communication_C9_CW2_060623 - Item 20.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Community Services with respect to the above.City Manager21.ART ON BOXES TRAFFIC SIGNAL BOX PROGRAM – THE GROUP OF SEVEN REMIXED PILOT UPDATE 1.ART ON BOXES TRAFFIC SIGNAL BOX PROGRAM - THE GROUP OF SEVEN REMIXED PILOT PROJECT UPDATE.pdf2.Attachment 1 - ARTonBOXES Timeline.pdf3.Attachment 2 - ARTonBOXES Pilot Locations.pdfReport of the City Manager and Deputy City Manager, Public Works with respect to the above.22.VAUGHAN TRANSPORTATION INNOVATION PROGRAM 1.VAUGHAN TRANSPORTATION INNOVATION PROGRAM.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Transportation Innovation Program Guidelines.pdfReport of the City Manager and Deputy City Manager, Infrastructure Development with respect to the above. 23.BUSINESS RETENTION, EXPANSION, AND ATTRACTION 2022: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT YEAR IN REVIEW 1.BRE+A Annual Report.pdfReport of the City Manager with respect to the above. Public Works24.KING VAUGHAN ROAD (PINE VALLEY DRIVE TO BATHURST STREET) TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP CONSIDERATIONS 1.KING VAUGHAN ROAD (PINE VALLEY DRIVE TO BATHURST STREET) TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP CONSIDERATIONS.pdf2.Attachment 1 - KING VAUGHAN ROAD Map_1.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Public Works with respect to the above.25.STOPPING PROHIBITION – COLD CREEK ROAD 1.Stopping Prohibition - Cold Creek Road.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Cold Creek Road.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Public Works with respect to the above.Legal and Administrative Services26.ADMINISTRATIVE MONETARY PENALTIES ADJUDICATION REVIEW 1.AMPS ADJUDICATION REVIEW.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Legal and Administrative Services & City Solicitor and Deputy City Manager, Community Services with respect to the above.27.PROCLAMATION REQUESTS - MONTH OF REMEMBRANCE, FIREFIGHTERS’ NATIONAL MEMORIAL DAY AND VIETNAM NATIONAL DAY 1.PROCLAMATION REQUESTS MONTH OF REMEMBRANCE, FIREFIGHTERS' NATIONAL MEMORIAL DAY AND VIETNAM NATIONAL DAY.pdf2.ATTACHMENT 1 - MONTH OF REMEMBRANCE.pdf3.ATTACHMENT 2 - FIREFIGHTERS' NATIONAL MEMORIAL DAY.pdf4.ATTACHMENT 3 - VIETNAM NATIONAL DAY.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Legal and Administrative Services & City Solicitor with respect to the above.28.PROCLAMATION REQUESTS - WORLD CEREBRAL PALSY (CP) AWARENESS DAY AND WORLD SICKLE CELL DAY 1.PROCLAMATION REQUESTS WORLD CEREBRAL PALSY (CP) AWARENESS DAY AND WORLD SICKLE CELL DAY.pdf2.ATTACHMENT 1 - WORLD CEREBRAL PALSY (CP) AWARENESS DAY.pdf3.ATTACHMENT 2 - WORLD SICKLE CELL DAY.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Legal and Administrative Services & City Solicitor with respect to the above.Transmittal / Referred29.PROPOSED DESIGNATION UNDER PART IV OF THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT OF 11151 KEELE STREET WARD 1 – NORTH OF TESTON ROAD, ADJACENT TO MAPLE REGIONAL PARK (TRANSMITTAL REPORT) 1.TRANSMITTAL FROM HERITAGE VAUGHAN COMMITTEE - 11151 KEELE STREET (TRANSMITTAL REPORT).pdfReport forwarded from the Heritage Vaughan Committee with respect to the above. 30.DEMOLITION OF A TWO-STOREY DWELLING AND CONSTRUCTION OF A SEMI-DETACHED BUILDING AT 56 WALLACE STREET, AND RENOVATIONS AT 66 WALLACE AND 1 MEMORIAL DRIVE, WOODBRIDGE HERITAGE CONSERVATION DISTRICT (TRANSMITTAL REPORT) 1.TRANSMITTAL FROM HERITAGE VAUGHAN COMMITTEE - 56 WALLACE STREET AND 66 WALLACE AND 1 MEMORIAL DRIVE (TRANSMITTAL REPORT).pdf2.Communication_C2_CW2_060623.pdfReport forwarded from the Heritage Vaughan Committee with respect to the above. 31.PROPOSED DEMOLITION OF EXISTING STRUCTURE AND CONSTRUCTION OF DETACHED HOUSE AT 7808 YONGE STREET IN THE THORNHILL HERITAGE CONSERVATION DISTRICT (TRANSMITTAL REPORT) 1.TRANSMITTAL FROM HERITAGE VAUGHAN COMMITTEE - 7808 YONGE STREET (TRANSMITTAL REPORT).pdfReport forwarded from the Heritage Vaughan Committee with respect to the above. 32.PROPOSED DESIGNATION UNDER PART IV OF THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT OF 82 MONSHEEN DRIVE WARD 2 – VICINITY OF HIGHWAY 7 AND EAST OF ISLINGTON AVENUE (TRANSMITTAL REPORT) 1.TRANSMITTAL FROM HERITAGE VAUGHAN COMMITTEE - 82 MONSHEEN.pdfReport forwarded from the Heritage Vaughan Committee with respect to the above. 7.ADOPTION OF ITEMS NOT REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION 8.CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION 9.CONSIDERATION OF STATUTORY/AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS 10.STAFF COMMUNICATIONS 1.0606_2023 CW (2) - STAFF COMMUNICATIONS.pdfSee attached.11.NEW BUSINESS 12.CLOSED SESSION RESOLUTION FOR COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (CLOSED) 13.ADJOURNMENT ALL APPENDICES ARE AVAILABLE FROM THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICEPLEASE NOTE THAT THIS MEETING WILL BE AUDIO RECORDEDAND VIDEO BROADCAST (Agendas, Minutes and Live Council Broadcast)No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.2022 ANNUAL INVESTMENT REPORT.pdf2.ATTACHMENT 1 - 2022 ANNUAL INVESTMENT REPORT - Listing of Securities Held as at December 31, 2022.pdf3.ATTACHMENT 2- 2022 ANNUAL INVESTMENT REPORT - Investments Held by Sector as at December 31, 2022.pdf1.2022 DEVELOPMENT CHARGE RESERVE AND SPECIAL RESERVE STATEMENT.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Development Charge Reserve Fund Statement.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Description of City Wide and Area Specific DC Reserves.pdf4.Attachment 3 - Cash-in-Lieu of Parkland Reserve Fund Statement.pdf5.Attachment 4 - Section 37 Reserve Fund Statement.pdf1.2023 ADOPTION OF TAX RATES AND ISSUANCE OF PROPERTY TAX NOTICES – ALL WARDS.pdf2.Attachment 1 - 2023 Tax Rate Schedule (002).pdf1.2023 Issuance of Debentures.pdf2.Attachment 1 – Capital Projects With Debt Funding (December 31, 2022).pdf1.BRE+A Annual Report.pdf1.VAUGHAN TRANSPORTATION INNOVATION PROGRAM.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Transportation Innovation Program Guidelines.pdf1.SNOW TUBING AND WINTER RECREATION AT NORTH MAPLE REGIONAL PARK.pdf2.ATTACHMENT 1 - GATEWAY PARKS EXPRESSION OF INTEREST.pdf1.Stopping Prohibition - Cold Creek Road.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Cold Creek Road.pdf1.KING VAUGHAN ROAD (PINE VALLEY DRIVE TO BATHURST STREET) TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP CONSIDERATIONS.pdf2.Attachment 1 - KING VAUGHAN ROAD Map_1.pdf1.ART ON BOXES TRAFFIC SIGNAL BOX PROGRAM - THE GROUP OF SEVEN REMIXED PILOT PROJECT UPDATE.pdf2.Attachment 1 - ARTonBOXES Timeline.pdf3.Attachment 2 - ARTonBOXES Pilot Locations.pdf1.REPORT - REFRESHMENT VEHICLES.pdf1.REPORT - UPDATE ON THE SIGN BY-LAW RELIEF FOR BUSINESSES.pdf2.Communication_C9_CW2_060623 - Item 18.pdf1.Yonge North Subway Extension (YNSE) - Spring 2023 Update.pdf2.Communication_C1_CW2_060623.pdf1.BLOCK 32 VELLORE WOODS COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS.pdf1.Valley Major Developments Limited - Draft Plan of Condominium 19CDM-23V003.pdf2.Attachment 1 - 19CDM-23V003 - Context and Location Map.pdf3.Attachment 2 - 19CDM-23V003 - Site Plan.pdf4.Attachment 3 - 19CDM-23V003 - Draft Plan of Condominium (Common Elements).pdf5.Attachment 4 - 19CDM-23V003 - Draft Reference Plan Parcels of Tied Land.pdf6.Attachment 5 - 19CDM-23V003 - Conditions of Draft Plan of Condominium Approval.pdf1.PROCLAMATION REQUESTS WORLD CEREBRAL PALSY (CP) AWARENESS DAY AND WORLD SICKLE CELL DAY.pdf2.ATTACHMENT 1 - WORLD CEREBRAL PALSY (CP) AWARENESS DAY.pdf3.ATTACHMENT 2 - WORLD SICKLE CELL DAY.pdf1.PROCLAMATION REQUESTS MONTH OF REMEMBRANCE, FIREFIGHTERS' NATIONAL MEMORIAL DAY AND VIETNAM NATIONAL DAY.pdf2.ATTACHMENT 1 - MONTH OF REMEMBRANCE.pdf3.ATTACHMENT 2 - FIREFIGHTERS' NATIONAL MEMORIAL DAY.pdf4.ATTACHMENT 3 - VIETNAM NATIONAL DAY.pdf1.TECHNICAL AMENDMENTS REPORT ON THE BUSINESS LICENSING, NOISE, PARKING AND FEES AND CHARGES BY-LAW.pdf2.ATTACHMENT 1 - PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE LICENSING BY-LAW AND NOISE BY-LAW.pdf3.Communication_C9_CW2_060623 - Item 20.pdf1.PROMENADE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP (OFFICE) Z.22.026 .pdf2.Attachment 1_Z.22.026_ Context and Location Map.pdf3.Attachment 2_Z.22.026_Interim Site Plan and Proposed Zoning.pdf4.Attachment 3_Z.22.026_Ultimate Site Plan and Proposed Zoning.pdf5.Attachment 4_Z.22.026_Building Elevations - North and East.pdf6.Attachment 5_Z.22.026_Building Elevations - South and West.pdf7.Attachment 6_Z.22.026_Zoning By-law 1-88 Table 1.pdf8.Attachment 7_Z.22.026_Zoning By-law 01-2021 Table 2.pdf9.Communication_C8_CW2_060623_R.pdf10.Communication_11_CW2_060623.pdf1.Nashville Major Developments Inc. - Z.22.027 (CW2).pdf2.ATTACHMENT 1 - Z.22.027 - Context and Location Map.pdf3.ATTACHMENT 2 - Z.22.027 - Site Plan and Proposed Zoning.pdf4.ATTACHMENT 3 - Z.22.027 - Landscape Plan.pdf5.ATTACHMENT 4 - Z.22.027 - Elevations Building A1.pdf6.ATTACHMENT 5 - Z.22.027 - Elevations Building A2.pdf7.ATTACHMENT 6 - Z.22.027 - Elevations Building B.pdf8.ATTACHMENT 7 - Z.22.027 - Elevations Building C.pdf9.ATTACHMENT 8 - Z.22.027 - Elevations Building D.pdf10.ATTACHMENT 9 - Z.22.027 - Elevations Building E.pdf11.ATTACHMENT 10 - Z.22.027 - Elevations Building F.pdf12.ATTACHMENT 11 - Z.22.027 - Previous Site Plan and Proposed Zoning.pdf13.ATTACHMENT 12 - Z.22.027 - June 28, 2022 Council Approved Block 61 West Plan - Revised.pdf14.ATTACHMENT 13 - Z.22.027 - Proposed Revised Block 61 West Plan.pdf15.ATTACHMENT 14 - Z.22.027 - Proposed Zoning By-law Amendments .pdf16.Communication_10_CW2_060623_R.pdf1.27 DEVELOPMENTS INC. 19T-20V009, 19CDM-20V010, and DA.18.088.pdf2.Attachment 1 - 19T-20V009, DA.18.088, 19CDM-20V010 - Context Location Map.pdf3.Attachment 2 - 19T-20V009, DA.18.088, 19CDM-20V010 - Site Plan.pdf4.Attachment 3 - 19T-20V009, DA.18.088, 19CDM-20V010 - Landscape Plan.pdf5.Attachment 4 - 19T-20V009, DA.18.088, 19CDM-20V010 - Building Elevations (East and North).pdf6.Attachment 5 - 19T-20V009, DA.18.088, 19CDM-20V010 - Building Elevations (South and West).pdf7.Attachment 6 - 19T-20V009, DA.18.088, 19CDM-20V010 - Perspective Renderings.pdf8.Attachment 7 - 19T-20V009, DA.18.088, 19CDM-20V010 - Draft Plan of Subdivision.pdf9.Attachment 8 - 19T-20V009, DA.18.088, 19CDM-20V010 - Condo Draft Plan.pdf10.Attachment 9 - Conditions of Draft Plan of Subdivision.pdf11.Attachment 10 - Draft DA Conditions.pdf12.Attachment 11 - Conditions of Draft Condominium.pdf1.PROJECT SEARCH IMPLEMENTATION REPORT.pdf1.AMPS ADJUDICATION REVIEW.pdf1.2022 Delivery Report - Infrastructure Development.pdf2.Attachment 1 - 2022 ID_DeliveryReport.pdf1.TRANSMITTAL FROM HERITAGE VAUGHAN COMMITTEE - 11151 KEELE STREET (TRANSMITTAL REPORT).pdf1.TRANSMITTAL FROM HERITAGE VAUGHAN COMMITTEE - 7808 YONGE STREET (TRANSMITTAL REPORT).pdf1.TRANSMITTAL FROM HERITAGE VAUGHAN COMMITTEE - 82 MONSHEEN.pdf1.8274-8266 Islington Avenue Inc - OP.22.003 and Z.22.005 - 8270, 8274 and 8286 Islington Avenue.pdf2.Attachment 1 - OP.22.003 and Z.22.005 - Context and Location Map.pdf3.Attachment 2 - OP.22.003 and Z.22.005 - Proposed Official Plan Designation.pdf4.Attachment 3 - OP.22.003 and Z.22.005 - Conceptual Site Plan and Proposed Zoning.pdf5.Attachment 4 - OP.22.003 and Z.22.005 - Conceptual Building Elevations.pdf6.Attachment 5 - OP.22.003 and Z.22.005 - Conceptual Landscape Plan.pdf7.Attachment 6 - OP.22.003 and Z.22.005 - Conceptual Building Views.pdf1.PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO VOP 2010, VOLUME 1, POLICY 10.1.3 AND BY-LAW 278-2009 AS AMENDED IN RESPONSE TO BILL 109 FILE 25.7.pdf2.ATTACHMENT 1 - Vaughan Official Plan 2010 Policy 10.1.3 Official Plan Amendment - File 25.7 Redlined.pdf3.Communication_12_CW2_060623.pdf4.Communication_13_CW2_060623.pdf5.Communication_14_CW2_060623.pdf6.Communication_15_CW2_060623.pdf7.Communication_16_CW2_060623.pdf1.CMHC-Housing Accelerator Fund Application.pdf1.GB (MAPLECRETE) LIMITED PARTNERSHIP OP.21.008, Z.21.011 AND 19T-21V003.pdf2.Attachment 1 - OP.21.008, Z.21.011, 19T-21V003 - Context and Location Map.pdf3.Attachment 2 - OP.21.008, Z.21.011, 19T-21V003 - Context Existing Zoning Map.pdf4.Attachment 3 - OP.21.008, Z.21.011, 19T-21V003 - Interim and Ultimate Site Plan.pdf5.Attachment 4 - OP.21.008, Z.21.011, 19T-21V003 - Conceptual Site Plan and Proposed Rezoning.pdf6.Attachment 5 - OP.21.008, Z.21.011, 19T-21V003 - Draft Plan of Subdivision.pdf7.Attachment 6 - OP.21.008, Z.21.011, 19T-21V003 - Building Elevations (West).pdf8.Attachment 7 - OP.21.008, Z.21.011, 19T-21V003 - Building Elevations (East).pdf9.Attachment 8 - OP.21.008, Z.21.011, 19T-21V003 - Building Elevations (North and South).pdf10.Attachment 9 - Site-Specific Exceptions to Zoning By-law 1-88 (Table 2).pdf11.Attachment 10 - Draft Conditions of Approval 19T-21V003.docx.pdf12.Communication_C5_CW2_060623.pdf13.Communication_C6_CW2_060623.pdf1.TRANSMITTAL FROM HERITAGE VAUGHAN COMMITTEE - 56 WALLACE STREET AND 66 WALLACE AND 1 MEMORIAL DRIVE (TRANSMITTAL REPORT).pdf2.Communication_C2_CW2_060623.pdf1.0606_2023 CW (2) - STAFF COMMUNICATIONS.pdf1.Communication_C3_CW2_060623.pdf1.Communication_C7_CW2_060623.pdf1.0606_2023 CW (2) - COMMUNICATIONS.pdf