CITY OF VAUGHANCOMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (1)REVISED AGENDAIf you wish to speak to an item listed on the Agenda in person or via electronic participation, please pre-register by completing a Request to Speak Form online, emailing, or contacting Access Vaughan at 905-832-2281, by 12 noon on the last business day before the meeting.Tuesday, October 03, 2023 1:00 P.m. - 4:00 P.m.Council Chamber2nd Floor, Vaughan City Hall2141 Major Mackenzie DriveVaughan, Ontario1.CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA 2.DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST 3.COMMUNICATIONS 1.1003_23 CW1 Communications.pdfSee attached.4.CEREMONIAL PRESENTATIONS 1.American Library Association's (ALA) PR XChange Awards Vaughan Public Libraries has been bestowed with the following ALA PR XChange awards for:1. VMC Library Virtual Tour;2. VPL 2021 Annual Report; and3. Masks in the Library5.PRESENTATIONS 1.Asylum Seekers in Vaughan Shernett Martin, Director of ANCHOR Canada to present.6.DETERMINATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION INCLUDING MEMBERS RESOLUTION(S) Planning and Growth Management1.ISLINGTON M.D. DEVELOPMENTS INC. AND 7040 ISLINGTON M.D. DEVELOPMENTS INC.: OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT FILE OP.21.014, ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT FILE Z.21.024 – 7034 & 7040 ISLINGTON AVENUE, VICINITY OF ISLINGTON AVENUE AND STEELES AVENUE WEST 1.Islington M.D. Developments Inc. and 7040 Islington M.D. Developments Inc - OP.21.014 and Z.21.024.pdf2.Attachment 1 - OP.21.014 and Z.21.024 - Context and Location Map.pdf3.Attachment 2 - OP.21.014 and Z.21.024 - Site Plan and Proposed Zoning.pdf4.Attachment 3 - OP.21.014 and Z.21.024 - Landscape Concept and Ground Floor Plan.pdf5.Attachment 4 - OP.21.014 and Z.21.024 - Conceptual East and South Building Elevations.pdf6.Attachment 5 - OP.21.014 and Z.21.024 - Conceptual West and North Building Elevations.pdf7.Attachment 6 - OP.21.014 and Z.21.024 - Podium Renderings.pdf8.Attachment 7 - OP.21.014 and Z.21.024 - Table 2 Proposed Zoning Exceptions to Zoning By-law 1-88.pdf9.Attachment 8 - OP.21.014 and Z.21.024 - Original Development Proposal.pdf10.Attachment 9 - OP.21.014 and Z.21.024 - Proposed Amendments to Schedule 13 of VOP 2010 .pdf11.Communication_C1_CW1_1003_23.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Growth Management, with respect to the above.2.CO-MART HOLDINGS LTD.: OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT FILE OP.21.027, ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT FILE Z.21.056 – 20 ROYSUN ROAD, VICINITY OF MARTIN GROVE ROAD AND HIGHWAY 7 1.Co-Mart Holdings Ltd - OP.21.027 and Z.21.056.pdf2.Attachment 1 - OP.21.027 and Z.21.056 - Context and Location Map.pdf3.Attachment 2 - OP.21.027 and Z.21.056 - Proposed Site Plan and Zoning.pdf4.Attachment 3 - OP.21.027 and Z.21.056 - Landscape Plan.pdf5.Attachment 4 - OP.21.027 and Z.21.056 - East and South Building Elevations.pdf6.Attachment 5 - OP.21.027 and Z.21.056 - North and West Building Elevations.pdf7.Attachment 6 - OP.21.027 and Z.21.056 - Building Renderings North and West View.pdf8.Attachment 7 - OP.21.027 and Z.21.056 - Recommended Site Plan Improvements.pdf9.Attachment 8 - OP.21.027 and Z.21.056 - Table 1 Zoning Exceptions to Zoning By-law 001-2021.pdf10.Attachment 9 - OP.21.027 and Z.21.056 - Original Development Proposal and Zoning.pdf11.Communication_C16_CW1_1003_23.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Growth Management, with respect to the above.3.HOLLYWOOD PRINCESS CONVENTION & BANQUET CENTRE LTD.: OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT FILES OP.10.002 AND Z.23.001 – 2800 HIGHWAY 7, VICINITY OF HIGHWAY 7 AND CREDITSTONE ROAD 1.Hollywood Princess Convention and Banquet Centre LTD. OP.10.002 AND Z.23.001.pdf2.Attachment 1 - OP.10.002 Z.23.001 - Context Map.pdf3.Attachment 2 - OP.10.002 Z.23.001 - Location Map.pdf4.Attachment 3 - OP.10.002 Z.23.001 - Proposed Site Plan and Rezoning.pdf5.Attachment 4 - OP.10.002 Z.23.001 - Proposed Landscape Plan.pdf6.Attachment 5 - OP.10.002 Z.23.001 - Building Elevations Tower 1.pdf7.Attachment 6 - OP.10.002 Z.23.001 - Building Elevations Tower 2.pdf8.Attachment 7 - OP.10.002 Z.23.001 - Perspective Rendering.pdf9.Attachment 8 - Zoning By-law 1-88 Table 1.pdf10.Attachment 9 - Zoning By-law 001-2021 Table 2.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Growth Management, with respect to the above.4.11191 KEELE STREET GP. INC.: ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT FILE Z.21.036, DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION FILE 19T-21V007 – 11191 KEELE STREET, VICINITY OF KEELE STREET AND KIRBY ROAD 1.11191 KEELE STREET. GP INC. Z.21.036 AND 19T-21V007.pdf2.Attachment 1 - 19T-21V007 - Draft Plan Conditions.pdf3.Attachment 2 - 19T-21V007_Z.21.036_CW_2_ContextLocationMap.pdf4.Attachment 3 - 19T-21V007_Z.21.036_CW_3_DraftPlan.pdf5.Attachment 4 - 19T-21V007_Z.21.036_CW_4_SitePlan.pdf6.Attachment 5 - 19T-21V007_Z.21.036_CW_5_LandscapePlan.pdf7.Attachment 6 - 19T-21V007_Z.21.036_CW_6_Elevations.pdf8.Attachment 7 - Zoning By-law 1-88 Table 1.pdf9.Communication_C2_CW1_1003_23.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Growth Management, with respect to the above.Legal and Administrative Services5.2024 SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS 1.2024 SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS.pdf2.Attachment 1 - 2024 Schedule of Meetings Calendar - Draft.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Legal and Administrative Services & City Solicitor, with respect to the above.6.PROCLAMATION REQUEST – WEAR RED CANADA DAY 1.PROCLAMATION REQUEST WEAR RED CANADA DAY.pdf2.ATTACHMENT 1 - WEAR RED CANADA DAY.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Legal and Administrative Services & City Solicitor, with respect to the above.Council7.REDUCING BARRIERS TO MORE AFFORDABLE HOUSING OPTIONS 1.REVISED - Mayor's MR - Reducing Barriers to More Affordable Housing Option.pdf2.Communication_C3_CW1_1003_23.pdf3.Communication_C4_CW1_1003_23.pdf4.Communication_C5_CW1_1003_23_Redacted.pdf5.Communication_C6_CW1_1003_23_Redacted.pdf6.Communication_C7_CW1_1003_23.pdf7.Communication_C8_CW1_1003_23_Redacted.pdf8.Communication_C9_CW1_1003_23_Redacted.pdf9.Communication_C10_CW1_1003_23_Redacted.pdf10.Communication_C11_CW1_1003_23_Redacted.pdf11.Communication_C12_CW1_1003_23_Redacted.pdf12.Communication_C13_CW1_1003_23_Redacted.pdf13.Communication_C14_CW1_1003_23_Redacted.pdf14.Communication_C15_CW1_1003_23_Redacted.pdf15.Communication_C17_CW1_1003_23_Redacted.pdf16.Communication_C18_CW1_1003_23_Redacted.pdfResolution of Mayor Steven Del Duca with respect to the above.7.ADOPTION OF ITEMS NOT REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION 8.CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION 9.CONSIDERATION OF STATUTORY/AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS 1.Vaughan Healthcare Precinct Advisory Committee meeting of September 5, 2023 (Report No. 1) 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - Vaughan Healthcare Precinct Advisory Committee_Sep05_2023 - English.pdf2.Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting of September 18, 2023 (Report No. 4) 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - Accessibility Advisory Committee_Sep18_2023 - English.pdf3.Official Plan Update Sub-Committee meeting of September 20, 2023 (Report No. 8) 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - Official Plan Update Sub-Committee_Sep20_2023 - English.pdf10.STAFF COMMUNICATIONS 11.NEW BUSINESS 12.ADJOURNMENT ALL APPENDICES ARE AVAILABLE FROM THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICEPLEASE NOTE THAT THIS MEETING WILL BE AUDIO RECORDEDAND VIDEO BROADCAST (Agendas, Minutes and Live Council Broadcast)No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.Post-Meeting Minutes - Vaughan Healthcare Precinct Advisory Committee_Sep05_2023 - English.pdf1.Post-Meeting Minutes - Official Plan Update Sub-Committee_Sep20_2023 - English.pdf1.Co-Mart Holdings Ltd - OP.21.027 and Z.21.056.pdf2.Attachment 1 - OP.21.027 and Z.21.056 - Context and Location Map.pdf3.Attachment 2 - OP.21.027 and Z.21.056 - Proposed Site Plan and Zoning.pdf4.Attachment 3 - OP.21.027 and Z.21.056 - Landscape Plan.pdf5.Attachment 4 - OP.21.027 and Z.21.056 - East and South Building Elevations.pdf6.Attachment 5 - OP.21.027 and Z.21.056 - North and West Building Elevations.pdf7.Attachment 6 - OP.21.027 and Z.21.056 - Building Renderings North and West View.pdf8.Attachment 7 - OP.21.027 and Z.21.056 - Recommended Site Plan Improvements.pdf9.Attachment 8 - OP.21.027 and Z.21.056 - Table 1 Zoning Exceptions to Zoning By-law 001-2021.pdf10.Attachment 9 - OP.21.027 and Z.21.056 - Original Development Proposal and Zoning.pdf11.Communication_C16_CW1_1003_23.pdf1.2024 SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS.pdf2.Attachment 1 - 2024 Schedule of Meetings Calendar - Draft.pdf1.PROCLAMATION REQUEST WEAR RED CANADA DAY.pdf2.ATTACHMENT 1 - WEAR RED CANADA DAY.pdf1.Islington M.D. Developments Inc. and 7040 Islington M.D. Developments Inc - OP.21.014 and Z.21.024.pdf2.Attachment 1 - OP.21.014 and Z.21.024 - Context and Location Map.pdf3.Attachment 2 - OP.21.014 and Z.21.024 - Site Plan and Proposed Zoning.pdf4.Attachment 3 - OP.21.014 and Z.21.024 - Landscape Concept and Ground Floor Plan.pdf5.Attachment 4 - OP.21.014 and Z.21.024 - Conceptual East and South Building Elevations.pdf6.Attachment 5 - OP.21.014 and Z.21.024 - Conceptual West and North Building Elevations.pdf7.Attachment 6 - OP.21.014 and Z.21.024 - Podium Renderings.pdf8.Attachment 7 - OP.21.014 and Z.21.024 - Table 2 Proposed Zoning Exceptions to Zoning By-law 1-88.pdf9.Attachment 8 - OP.21.014 and Z.21.024 - Original Development Proposal.pdf10.Attachment 9 - OP.21.014 and Z.21.024 - Proposed Amendments to Schedule 13 of VOP 2010 .pdf11.Communication_C1_CW1_1003_23.pdf1.11191 KEELE STREET. GP INC. Z.21.036 AND 19T-21V007.pdf2.Attachment 1 - 19T-21V007 - Draft Plan Conditions.pdf3.Attachment 2 - 19T-21V007_Z.21.036_CW_2_ContextLocationMap.pdf4.Attachment 3 - 19T-21V007_Z.21.036_CW_3_DraftPlan.pdf5.Attachment 4 - 19T-21V007_Z.21.036_CW_4_SitePlan.pdf6.Attachment 5 - 19T-21V007_Z.21.036_CW_5_LandscapePlan.pdf7.Attachment 6 - 19T-21V007_Z.21.036_CW_6_Elevations.pdf8.Attachment 7 - Zoning By-law 1-88 Table 1.pdf9.Communication_C2_CW1_1003_23.pdf1.Hollywood Princess Convention and Banquet Centre LTD. OP.10.002 AND Z.23.001.pdf2.Attachment 1 - OP.10.002 Z.23.001 - Context Map.pdf3.Attachment 2 - OP.10.002 Z.23.001 - Location Map.pdf4.Attachment 3 - OP.10.002 Z.23.001 - Proposed Site Plan and Rezoning.pdf5.Attachment 4 - OP.10.002 Z.23.001 - Proposed Landscape Plan.pdf6.Attachment 5 - OP.10.002 Z.23.001 - Building Elevations Tower 1.pdf7.Attachment 6 - OP.10.002 Z.23.001 - Building Elevations Tower 2.pdf8.Attachment 7 - OP.10.002 Z.23.001 - Perspective Rendering.pdf9.Attachment 8 - Zoning By-law 1-88 Table 1.pdf10.Attachment 9 - Zoning By-law 001-2021 Table 2.pdf1.Post-Meeting Minutes - Accessibility Advisory Committee_Sep18_2023 - English.pdf1.REVISED - Mayor's MR - Reducing Barriers to More Affordable Housing Option.pdf2.Communication_C3_CW1_1003_23.pdf3.Communication_C4_CW1_1003_23.pdf4.Communication_C5_CW1_1003_23_Redacted.pdf5.Communication_C6_CW1_1003_23_Redacted.pdf6.Communication_C7_CW1_1003_23.pdf7.Communication_C8_CW1_1003_23_Redacted.pdf8.Communication_C9_CW1_1003_23_Redacted.pdf9.Communication_C10_CW1_1003_23_Redacted.pdf10.Communication_C11_CW1_1003_23_Redacted.pdf11.Communication_C12_CW1_1003_23_Redacted.pdf12.Communication_C13_CW1_1003_23_Redacted.pdf13.Communication_C14_CW1_1003_23_Redacted.pdf14.Communication_C15_CW1_1003_23_Redacted.pdf15.Communication_C17_CW1_1003_23_Redacted.pdf16.Communication_C18_CW1_1003_23_Redacted.pdf1.1003_23 CW1 Communications.pdf