CITY OF VAUGHANCOMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (PUBLIC HEARING)AGENDAThis is an Electronic Meeting. The Council Chamber will not be open to the public. Public comments can be submitted by email to For deputations, please register by contacting Access Vaughan at 905-832-2281 or clerks@vaughan.caTuesday, October 06, 2020 7:00 P.m. - 10:00 P.m.Council Chamber2nd Floor, Vaughan City Hall2141 Major Mackenzie DriveVaughan, Ontario1.DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST 2.COMMUNICATIONS 1.1006-20 CW (PM) Communications .pdfSee attached.3.CONSIDERATION OF PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 1.REIMER WORLD PROPERTIES CORP. ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT FILE Z.20.020 - 62 ADMINISTRATION ROAD VICINITY OF HIGHWAY 7 AND KEELE STREET 1.Committee Communication C23.pdf2.REIMER WORLD PROPERTIES CORP_Z.20.020.pdf3.ATTACHMENT 1 - CONTEXT AND LOCATION MAP.pdf4.ATTACHMENT 2- PROPOSED ZONING AND SITE PLAN.pdfInformation item from the Deputy City Manager, Infrastructure Development with respect to the above.2.OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT FILE OP.16.011 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT FILE Z.16.048 FDF INVESTMENTS LTD. AND PLAYACOR HOLDINGS LTD. - 15 JEVLAN DRIVE AND 156 CHRISLEA ROAD VICINITY OF WESTON ROAD AND CHRISLEA ROAD 1.FDF INVESTMENTS LTD AND PLAYACOR HOLDINGS LTD OP.16.011 AND Z.16.048 PH.pdf2.ATTACHMENT 1 - OP.16.011 and Z.16.048 - CONTEXT AND LOCATION MAP.pdf3.ATTACHMENT 2 - OP.16.011 and Z.16.048 - VOP 2020 SCHEDULE 13 LAND USE.pdf4.ATTACHMENT 3 - OP.16.011 and Z.16.048 - EXISTING ZONING AND SITE PLANS.pdfInformation item from the Deputy City Manager, Infrastructure Development with respect to the above.3.ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT (TEMPORARY USE) FILE Z.20.018 - 2109179 ONTARIO INC. - 3501 KING-VAUGHAN ROAD VICINITY OF KING-VAUGHAN ROAD AND HIGHWAY 400 1.Committee Communication C18.pdf2.Committee Communication C22.pdf3.Committee Communication C25.pdf4.Committee Communication C30.pdf5.Committee Communication C33.pdf6.ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT FILE Z.20.018 2109179 ONTARIO INC. (CONCRETE BATCHING PLANT).pdf7.ATTACHMENT 1 - Z.20.018 - LOCATION MAP.pdf8.ATTACHMENT 2 - Z.20.018 - PROPOSED SITE PLAN.pdf9.ATTACHMENT 3 - Z.20.018 - CONCRETE BATCHING PLANT ENCLOSURE ELEVATIONS.pdf10.ATTACHMENT 4 - Z.20.018 - CONCRETE BATCHING PLANT SILO MIXING STRUCTURE ELEVATIONS.pdf11.ATTACHMENT 5 - Z.20.018 - ELEVATIONS-EXISTING OFFICE TRAILERS.pdf12.ATTACHMENT 6 - Z.20.018 - EXISTING VEHICLE REPAIR SHOP ELEVATIONS.pdf13.ATTACHMENT 7 - Z.20.018 - DRAFT ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT.pdf14.ATTACHMENT 8 - Z.20.018 - PREVIOUS COUNCIL APPROVED ZONING BY-LAW 082-2018.pdfInformation item from the Deputy City Manager, Infrastructure Development with respect to the above.4.1529749 ONTARIO INC. (TORGAN GROUP) OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT FILE OP.16.006 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT FILE Z.20.019 - 7700 BATHURST STREET VICINITY OF BATHURST STREET AND CENTRE STREET 1.Committee Communication C6.pdf2.Committee Communication C14.pdf3.Committee Communication C21.pdf4.Committee Communication C24.pdf5.Committee Communication C31.pdf6.1529749 ONTARIO INC (TORGAN) OP.16.006 AND Z.20.019.pdf7.ATTACHMENT 1 - OP.16.006 - CONTEXT AND LOCATION MAP.pdf8.ATTACHMENT 2 - OP.16.006 - SITE PLAN AND PROPOSED ZONING.pdf9.ATTACHMENT 3 - OP.16.006 - LANDSCAPE PLAN.pdf10.ATTACHMENT 4 - OP.16.006 - BUILDING 1 ELEVATIONS.pdf11.ATTACHMENT 5 - OP.16.006 - BUILDING 2 ELEVATIONS.pdf12.ATTACHMENT 6 - OP.16.006 - BUILDING 3 ELEVATIONS.pdfInformation item from the Deputy City Manager, Infrastructure Development with respect to the above.5.MAJOR WESTON CENTRES LIMITED OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT FILE OP.20.008 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT FILE Z.20.016 - 3600 MAJOR MACKENZIE DRIVE WEST VICINITY OF MAJOR MACKENZIE DRIVE WEST AND WESTON ROAD 1.Committee Communication C1.pdf2.Committee Communication C2.pdf3.Committee Communication C3.pdf4.Committee Communication C4.pdf5.Committee Communication C5.pdf6.Committee Communication C7.pdf7.Committee Communication C8.pdf8.Committee Communication C9.pdf9.Committee Communication C10.pdf10.Committee Communication C11.pdf11.Committee Communication C12.pdf12.Committee Communication C13.pdf13.Committee Communication C15.pdf14.Committee Communication C16.pdf15.Committee Communication C17.pdf16.Committee Communication C19.pdf17.Committee Communication C20.pdf18.Committee Communication C34.pdf19.Committee Communication C35.pdf20.Committee Communication C36.pdf21.Committee Communication C37.pdf22.MAJOR WESTON CENTRES.pdf23.Attachment 1 - Major Weston Centres - Context and Location Map.pdf24.Attachment 2 - Major Weston Centres - Extent of Proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments.pdf25.Attachment 3 - Major Weston Centres - Extent of Submitted Development Application DA.20.022.pdf26.Attachment 4 - Major Weston Centres - Landscape Plan.pdf27.Attachment 5 - Major Weston Centres - South and North Elevations Buildings A and B Phase 1.pdf28.Attachment 6 - Major Weston Centres - West and East Elevations Buildings A and B Phase 1.pdf29.Attachment 7 - Major Weston Centres - Elevations Phase 1A and 2.pdfInformation item from the Deputy City Manager, Infrastructure Development with respect to the above.4.ADJOURNMENT ALL APPENDICES ARE AVAILABLE FROM THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICEPLEASE NOTE THAT THIS MEETING WILL BE AUDIO RECORDEDAND VIDEO BROADCAST (Agendas, Minutes and Live Council Broadcast)No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.FDF INVESTMENTS LTD AND PLAYACOR HOLDINGS LTD OP.16.011 AND Z.16.048 PH.pdf2.ATTACHMENT 1 - OP.16.011 and Z.16.048 - CONTEXT AND LOCATION MAP.pdf3.ATTACHMENT 2 - OP.16.011 and Z.16.048 - VOP 2020 SCHEDULE 13 LAND USE.pdf4.ATTACHMENT 3 - OP.16.011 and Z.16.048 - EXISTING ZONING AND SITE PLANS.pdf1.Committee Communication C23.pdf2.REIMER WORLD PROPERTIES CORP_Z.20.020.pdf3.ATTACHMENT 1 - CONTEXT AND LOCATION MAP.pdf4.ATTACHMENT 2- PROPOSED ZONING AND SITE PLAN.pdf1.1006-20 CW (PM) Communications .pdf1.Committee Communication C6.pdf2.Committee Communication C14.pdf3.Committee Communication C21.pdf4.Committee Communication C24.pdf5.Committee Communication C31.pdf6.1529749 ONTARIO INC (TORGAN) OP.16.006 AND Z.20.019.pdf7.ATTACHMENT 1 - OP.16.006 - CONTEXT AND LOCATION MAP.pdf8.ATTACHMENT 2 - OP.16.006 - SITE PLAN AND PROPOSED ZONING.pdf9.ATTACHMENT 3 - OP.16.006 - LANDSCAPE PLAN.pdf10.ATTACHMENT 4 - OP.16.006 - BUILDING 1 ELEVATIONS.pdf11.ATTACHMENT 5 - OP.16.006 - BUILDING 2 ELEVATIONS.pdf12.ATTACHMENT 6 - OP.16.006 - BUILDING 3 ELEVATIONS.pdf1.Committee Communication C18.pdf2.Committee Communication C22.pdf3.Committee Communication C25.pdf4.Committee Communication C30.pdf5.Committee Communication C33.pdf6.ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT FILE Z.20.018 2109179 ONTARIO INC. (CONCRETE BATCHING PLANT).pdf7.ATTACHMENT 1 - Z.20.018 - LOCATION MAP.pdf8.ATTACHMENT 2 - Z.20.018 - PROPOSED SITE PLAN.pdf9.ATTACHMENT 3 - Z.20.018 - CONCRETE BATCHING PLANT ENCLOSURE ELEVATIONS.pdf10.ATTACHMENT 4 - Z.20.018 - CONCRETE BATCHING PLANT SILO MIXING STRUCTURE ELEVATIONS.pdf11.ATTACHMENT 5 - Z.20.018 - ELEVATIONS-EXISTING OFFICE TRAILERS.pdf12.ATTACHMENT 6 - Z.20.018 - EXISTING VEHICLE REPAIR SHOP ELEVATIONS.pdf13.ATTACHMENT 7 - Z.20.018 - DRAFT ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT.pdf14.ATTACHMENT 8 - Z.20.018 - PREVIOUS COUNCIL APPROVED ZONING BY-LAW 082-2018.pdf1.Committee Communication C1.pdf2.Committee Communication C2.pdf3.Committee Communication C3.pdf4.Committee Communication C4.pdf5.Committee Communication C5.pdf6.Committee Communication C7.pdf7.Committee Communication C8.pdf8.Committee Communication C9.pdf9.Committee Communication C10.pdf10.Committee Communication C11.pdf11.Committee Communication C12.pdf12.Committee Communication C13.pdf13.Committee Communication C15.pdf14.Committee Communication C16.pdf15.Committee Communication C17.pdf16.Committee Communication C19.pdf17.Committee Communication C20.pdf18.Committee Communication C34.pdf19.Committee Communication C35.pdf20.Committee Communication C36.pdf21.Committee Communication C37.pdf22.MAJOR WESTON CENTRES.pdf23.Attachment 1 - Major Weston Centres - Context and Location Map.pdf24.Attachment 2 - Major Weston Centres - Extent of Proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments.pdf25.Attachment 3 - Major Weston Centres - Extent of Submitted Development Application DA.20.022.pdf26.Attachment 4 - Major Weston Centres - Landscape Plan.pdf27.Attachment 5 - Major Weston Centres - South and North Elevations Buildings A and B Phase 1.pdf28.Attachment 6 - Major Weston Centres - West and East Elevations Buildings A and B Phase 1.pdf29.Attachment 7 - Major Weston Centres - Elevations Phase 1A and 2.pdf