CITY OF VAUGHANCOMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (PUBLIC MEETING)AGENDAIf you wish to speak to an item listed on the Agenda, please pre-register by completing a Request to Speak Form online, emailing, or contacting Service Vaughan at 905-832-2281, by 12 noon on the last business day before the meeting.Tuesday, March 05, 2024 7:00 P.m. - 9:00 P.m.Council Chamber2nd Floor, Vaughan City Hall2141 Major Mackenzie Dr., Vaughan, ONand Online via Electronic ParticipationTerritorial Acknowledgement Statement (prior to the commencement of the meeting) 1.DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST 2.COMMUNICATIONS 1.0305_2024 CW(PM) - COMMUNICATIONS.pdfSee attached.3.CONSIDERATION OF PUBLIC MEETING ITEMS 1.171 MAPLECRETE LP AND 1930328 ONTARIO INC. COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE AND HOUSING ACCELERATOR (CIHA) FILE CIHA.23.003 171 MAPLECRETE ROAD, 140-160 DOUGHTON ROAD, AND BLOCK 2 PLAN 65M-4793 VICINITY OF MAPLECRETE ROAD AND DOUGHTON ROAD 1.171 Maplecrete LP and 1930328 Ontario Inc.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Context and Location Map.pdf3.Attachment 2 - VMC Boundary Potential Expansion Areas.pdf4.Attachment 3 - Polling Area Map.pdf5.Attachment 4 - Conceptual Site Plan and Proposed Zoning.pdf6.Attachment 5 - Conceptual Landscape Plan.pdf7.Attachment 6 - Building Elevations (North and East).pdf8.Attachment 7 - Building Elevations (South and West).pdf9.Attachment 8 - Perspective Renderings (Aerial).pdf10.Attachment 9 - Perspective Renderings (Street View).pdf11.Attachment 10 - Zoning By-law 1-88 Exception Table.pdf12.Attachment 11 - Zoning By-law 001-2021 Exception Table.pdf13.Communication_C1_CWPM_0305_2024.pdf14.Communication_C2_CWPM_0305_2024.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Growth Management, with respect to the above.2.CITY OF VAUGHAN ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT FILE Z.23.028 SEASONAL TEMPORARY OUTDOOR PATIOS FOR RESTAURANTS AND BANQUET HALLS CITY-WIDE 1.SEASONAL TEMPORARY OUTDOOR PATIOS FOR RESTAURANTS AND BANQUET HALLS - Z.23.028.pdf2.ATTACHMENT 1 - Z.23.028 - Lands Subject to Zoning By-law 001-2021.pdf3.ATTACHMENT 2- Z.23.028 - Draft Amendment to Zoning By-law 1-88.pdf4.ATTACHMENT 3- Z.23.028 - Draft Amendment to Zoning By-law 001-2021.pdf5.ATTACHMENT 4- Z.23.028 - Draft Amendment to Site Plan Control By-law 123-2013.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Growth Management, with respect to the above. 3.MUNICIPAL SERVICING BY-LAW 1.Municipal Servicing By-Law.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Location Map to Municipal Servicing By-law.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Draft Municipal Servicing By-Law XXX-2024.pdf4.Communication_C3_CWPM_0305_2024.pdfReport of the Deputy City Manager, Infrastructure Development, with respect to the above. 4.ADJOURNMENT ALL APPENDICES ARE AVAILABLE FROM THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICEPLEASE NOTE THAT THIS MEETING WILL BE AUDIO RECORDEDAND VIDEO BROADCAST (Agendas, Minutes and Live Council Broadcast)No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.SEASONAL TEMPORARY OUTDOOR PATIOS FOR RESTAURANTS AND BANQUET HALLS - Z.23.028.pdf2.ATTACHMENT 1 - Z.23.028 - Lands Subject to Zoning By-law 001-2021.pdf3.ATTACHMENT 2- Z.23.028 - Draft Amendment to Zoning By-law 1-88.pdf4.ATTACHMENT 3- Z.23.028 - Draft Amendment to Zoning By-law 001-2021.pdf5.ATTACHMENT 4- Z.23.028 - Draft Amendment to Site Plan Control By-law 123-2013.pdf1.Municipal Servicing By-Law.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Location Map to Municipal Servicing By-law.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Draft Municipal Servicing By-Law XXX-2024.pdf4.Communication_C3_CWPM_0305_2024.pdf1.171 Maplecrete LP and 1930328 Ontario Inc.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Context and Location Map.pdf3.Attachment 2 - VMC Boundary Potential Expansion Areas.pdf4.Attachment 3 - Polling Area Map.pdf5.Attachment 4 - Conceptual Site Plan and Proposed Zoning.pdf6.Attachment 5 - Conceptual Landscape Plan.pdf7.Attachment 6 - Building Elevations (North and East).pdf8.Attachment 7 - Building Elevations (South and West).pdf9.Attachment 8 - Perspective Renderings (Aerial).pdf10.Attachment 9 - Perspective Renderings (Street View).pdf11.Attachment 10 - Zoning By-law 1-88 Exception Table.pdf12.Attachment 11 - Zoning By-law 001-2021 Exception Table.pdf13.Communication_C1_CWPM_0305_2024.pdf14.Communication_C2_CWPM_0305_2024.pdf1.0305_2024 CW(PM) - COMMUNICATIONS.pdf